hale_bopp wrote:
This thread pisses me off, your posts are a sign of contribution to the site and helping others, or stating oipions that are relevant.
I think this thread should be deleted and anyone that gains posts from it to be set back to what they were before.
Awesome people, just awesome. Trying to trick people into thinking you've contribited to the site by gaining posts from this BS.
1000 posts for me was an achievement because most of them were actually relevant or had some use.
If this isn't closed i'm leaving WP.
If they had a problem with it they would've deleted it by now. It's not my fault. I didn't think what I did was a big deal, and yes looking back at it it was rather silly, but I wasn't aware of that at the time so I don't think I deserve to be punished. But at least being that I did that stunt proves the exact point of why it's a problem, and it might not have come to this had I not done that. I won't do it again.
As for your leaving WP threat, that's a bit harsh. Although I agree this should probably be closed, you should realise for your own sake that even if it isn't it's not THAT much of a big deal and you should get over that, otherwise you'll never survive at any forum. Unless that was just an exagerrated threat.
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