I love letters, and words. I do like numbers, but I'm terrible at math. I basically like anything that can show a pattern. I can become entranced by a tile floor by looking at the pattern of colors, which I'd number off in my head ie: 2 green, 1 white, 2 green 1 white. When I see a string of numbers I don't do well with memorizing it, but I automatically look for a pattern of some sort. I'll notice right away that there are 3 fives, ect...
When I was very young, maybe 6 or so, I used to spell every word that I heard in my head. I must've looked really spacey to everyone. lol I just loved the concept of language, and words. I used to play scrabble by myself, too.
My autie son loves letters, and numbers, too. He taught himself to read by sight. He went through a phase for about 8 mo where I had to spell everything to him. His breakfast, the cats name, my name..everything. It was mostly the same words everyday. It got a little frustrating at times. Whenever he meets someone he asks their name (it sounds as if he's demanding, because of his tone, and serious facial expression) and asks them to spell it. He also asks where they live, and what it's by. I think he makes a memory of a person with information, instead of other abstract forms. Or maybe he's gonna be an interrogator when he grows up.
He's also recently discovered that calendars have definite patterns that never change. He's enthralled with dates, and months. He goes over the entire months appointments with me everyday, several times a day.