I also bite my cheeks, I rub my face alot. I scratch my forearms when I get extremely upset (not often, and not enough to break the skin). I twist my ankles around when they can hang. I stretch my shoulders...well, not the part of my shoulders that connect to my arms, but the part near my neck, and push my shoulder blades out at the same time. I pop my neck. I make weird noises, especially "unnnnUH". I say grrr alot.
Most other stuff I would normally do, I learned I needed to "control" and so I don't usually do what I think I might have at one point have done.
I used to like spinning, rocking, making random noises, Shaking my head, squeezing my eyes close and pressing my eyelids with my fingers until I see pretty lights and shapes. I might still do that, but I'll wait until i can make it look like I'm tired. I used to like bouncing in my seat and dancing by bouncing around. Even if there wasn't music. Echolalia.
I make up for the stuff I used to do, sadly, by smoking.
I guess its because I always tried so hard to fit in I just stopped doing alot of things that other people saw as weird and then I started to see it as "weird" also. Before I saw it as fun, stress relieving and natural.