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12 Dec 2007, 8:32 am

People with more authority than the mental capacity to know they're actually incapable of handling their position properly.

"Has not my hand made all these things, and so they came into being?" declares the LORD. "This is the one I esteem: he who is humble and contrite in spirit, and trembles at my word." – Isaiah 66:2


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12 Dec 2007, 8:32 am

I have arachnophobia and a phone phobia.

Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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12 Dec 2007, 9:05 am

I have a bit of social phobia

also scared of dogs (although feel a little uneasy around most animals)

and I have a rather strange fear of success... :oops:


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12 Dec 2007, 10:26 am


Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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12 Dec 2007, 11:26 am

Don't like teeth.

And unidentifyable bits in swimming pools (because my imagination is too active) which means that when I have to swim I wear socks to not feel the bottom and have a full shower and cleansing at home afterwards otherwise I won't go swimming.


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12 Dec 2007, 3:12 pm

I have/had a severe earthquake phobia. It took over my life as a child to the point where for 3 years I was surviving on less than an hour's sleep a night.

If there was one, no matter how small - or if it was just a truck going past - I'd have a massive panic attack, scream, run around, rock, cry, shake, swear, get hysterical and blank out for about 10-15mins, then 'come round' either clinging to a door frame or table unable to be prised off, or clinging to a person, unable to breathe properly and able to wring my top out from the tears I'd have cried in that time. I can't actually describe the terror.

The final straw was when there was a swarm of them and I 'woke up' on my boss's shoulder in hysterics... woops. I was 18 at the time.

Went to a hypnotist and they've more or less sorted it out. I've not been in one to test it though, as I moved to an earthquake-less country shortly after.

Also suffered from phobias of burglers, of satan, of drowning, and I still can't stand doctors and dentists.


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12 Dec 2007, 3:23 pm

I have financial phobia.


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12 Dec 2007, 3:44 pm

I'm afraid of knives.


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12 Dec 2007, 7:09 pm

Aspie1 wrote:
I have something similar: spheksophobia - fear of wasps. Bees and wasps are different insects.

My fear of bees also extends to wasps, yellowjackets, and hornets

EvilKimEvil wrote:
I have financial phobia.

I have a fear of being in debt, but not so much worried about my finances at all times...


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12 Dec 2007, 7:25 pm

I have mild apiphobia. I won't even see Bee Movie.

Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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12 Dec 2007, 7:50 pm

ToadOfSteel wrote:
...... One of my other fears is the fear of losing my mind. As a child, I was very prone to rather sudden outbursts of anger (in the finest of aspie traditions), and such losing of my control over my mind was very frustrating to myself. Because of that, I will not touch alcohol or any narcotic substances, and I had to have it on good authority from a physician (in person) before I would take a prescription... The only drug that is not covered in this list is caffeine, as I take a long time to fully wake up (and am particularly vulnerable to mental manipulation during this period), so I have to consume caffeine in order to expedite that process...

Also, as a child, I had a slight fear of toilets, and although I was able to use them, I still always flush with the lid down to this day.

I take a long time to wake up, and am also prone to mental manipulation. I'd rather work a night shift somewhere, if I could. If I don't have coffee at all during any point in the day, I'm in a "fog" all day.

I'm terrified of the dark, I always keep a light on at night. Men in general (i'v had some bad experiences in the past, so it isn't an 'innate" phobia). Elevators, but I'v gotten better at it over the years. Shadow people (i'm not the only person to have seen these, given them that name of my own accord and then later found out other people not only call them "shadow people" but have seen them also. It also seems to cross the NT/AS-AT lines. You can google them.)

Umm. Getting alzheimer's when i'm older. Getting older than 65-70 is scary too.

I can't think of anything else right now.


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12 Dec 2007, 8:42 pm

i am terrified of being on motorcycles and mopeds. I had an accident when I was little that sorta traumatised drunk babysitter took me for a ride on my dad's moped...and i fell off and really smacked my face.
I am also phobic of dead animals...but that seems natural...

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Xfractor Card #351

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12 Dec 2007, 9:54 pm

dying. what if i come out of my body and dont like it? i'll be earthbound. i'll probably also haunt my rock collection and ichiro rookie cards andddd my jewlery. yes i am a girl, i like gold what can i say


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12 Dec 2007, 11:46 pm

-Roller coasters
-Riding on back of someone on a bike or motorcycle
-Mad cow disease
-Animal hair


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13 Dec 2007, 3:20 am

nomnom_hamster wrote:
. Shadow people (i'm not the only person to have seen these, given them that name of my own accord and then later found out other people not only call them "shadow people" but have seen them also. It also seems to cross the NT/AS-AT lines. You can google them.)

That's crazy, I thought that was just me. I haven't seen them since I was a kid so almost forgot about them!! They're real?! 8O

We are a fever, we are a fever, we ain't born typical...