When I took an aikijutsu class, hoping it would make me more physically fit and graceful, I ended up breaking an elbow and being forbidden by my parents from taking anymore martial arts classes until I was on my own medical insurance. Once I got to the point where I had my own medical insurance, I was too busy with work to take a martial arts class.
When I was a little girl, my parents paid a good bit of money for me to take swimming lessons. I'd do alright splashing around in the shallow end, but once in the deep end, I'd commence drowning, and they'd have to fish me out. This happened several times. I flunked swimming lessons. Then my grandfather decided he'd teach me. My mom was like, "Heh. Go ahead and try." He threw me in.. *sink sink blub blub blub* and then he had to fish me out again. To this day I can't swim. Can't even tread water properly. I just make it a point to stay away from large bodies of water.
And of course, I was usually one of the last picked for teams in Phys. Ed. I made D's in that. I think the only reason I didn't get F's was because I usually dressed out, and was generally willing to participate.
I haven't tried skiing, but I somehow suspect I would suck at that.
Ichigo: "Dude.. your sister is Scary."