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Pileated woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker

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16 Dec 2007, 4:13 pm

I am clumsy, tend to bump into things, was lousy at sports in school, and have trouble eating without getting food on my clothes, but I can type pretty fast (over 70 WPM last time I timed myself) and I'm good at some kinds of video games.

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16 Dec 2007, 5:35 pm

I just tried to put my glass of red wine down on the coffee table but it was half off the table and now there's a gorgeous red stain on the carpet... thank goodness there was a bottle of white open to throw on it!!

So typical of me.

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Pileated woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker

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16 Dec 2007, 7:18 pm

I do have some gross-motor problems, but they aren't incapacitating or anything. I just am a little clumsy and bump into things sometimes. They get much, much worse if I am being watched intently by someone. It depends on the day, really, though; I was pretty good at ballet and am generally graceful if I'm not too stressed (even while stumbling...).

As for fine-motor skills, I don't think mine could be better. They've always been really good. I can also see things very well up close, so that probably helps.

Emu Egg
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17 Dec 2007, 9:08 am

Thank you for all your answers!

Blue Jay
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17 Dec 2007, 3:49 pm

I am very clumsy mostly because I have a very poor perception of my body and of its relation to the rest of the physical world. I'm not very good at reacting to the physical input of the world. if everything else except for me were in slow motion I think I would do much better. Though I'd still bump into stuff or trip constantly.

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17 Dec 2007, 3:54 pm

But I am still wondering a bit about sports? Do other people here have also the phenomenon of spontaneous occurring moves or actions? Sometimes I know a move after a lot of practice, but then I make some stupid move and *** up.

Pileated woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker

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17 Dec 2007, 9:20 pm

Asterisp wrote:
But I am still wondering a bit about sports? Do other people here have also the phenomenon of spontaneous occurring moves or actions? Sometimes I know a move after a lot of practice, but then I make some stupid move and *** up.

I can do slower things after just a little practice, but things that require spontaneous decision while under stress (like, say, basketball), I am very bad at. I'm really bad at every competitive or team sport I've ever tried.


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18 Dec 2007, 12:02 am

My motor skills are terrible, awful, obscene. But I do have flexibility and I can dance very well (but I think this has more to do with my musical skills than my motor skills). If there's music, I can move very well, otherwise, not.

Does somebody else suffer when having to write on the blackboard?


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18 Dec 2007, 12:16 am

Does anyone have difficulty skiing?

Pileated woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker

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18 Dec 2007, 1:21 am

When I took an aikijutsu class, hoping it would make me more physically fit and graceful, I ended up breaking an elbow and being forbidden by my parents from taking anymore martial arts classes until I was on my own medical insurance. Once I got to the point where I had my own medical insurance, I was too busy with work to take a martial arts class.

When I was a little girl, my parents paid a good bit of money for me to take swimming lessons. I'd do alright splashing around in the shallow end, but once in the deep end, I'd commence drowning, and they'd have to fish me out. This happened several times. I flunked swimming lessons. Then my grandfather decided he'd teach me. My mom was like, "Heh. Go ahead and try." He threw me in.. *sink sink blub blub blub* and then he had to fish me out again. To this day I can't swim. Can't even tread water properly. I just make it a point to stay away from large bodies of water.

And of course, I was usually one of the last picked for teams in Phys. Ed. I made D's in that. I think the only reason I didn't get F's was because I usually dressed out, and was generally willing to participate.

I haven't tried skiing, but I somehow suspect I would suck at that.

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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18 Dec 2007, 4:31 am

This was one of the symptoms that confused me too.

I used to be in the top 100 in the world for Dance Dance Revolution, a goofy game that requires a lot of coordination and motor skills.
However, in everyday life, my clumsiness is pretty evident, especially among those who are around me a lot in private. My girlfriend, in particular, laughed out loud when I said I wasn't sure if I was clumsy, and I do run into things/hit my head on walls and the edges of doors, etc. by accident very frequently.