psychedelic wrote:
I have not seen many of my bullies. One of them, who I then kinda got along with as we got older, is a manager in a McDonald's I think. Another one was getting a Ph.D. in Chemistry from CalTech (yes, he was a bully believe it or not).
I'm currently getting a Ph.D. so I guess my bullies either did a good as I did or less so. So far I don't think any one of them has done better than me, although I would not be surprised to find out otherwise.
A Ph.D. doesn't say anything about success, quality of life, social, or financial standing. It doesn't even really necessarily say anything about intelligence. SO it shows a lot of ignorant hubris to feel so superior simply because you are getting one.
Heck, I knew one person that got his PhD, and he was considering a job as a college professor. He seemed elated at the prospect that he might make half of what I am currently making. Emotionally, Socially, and Financially, he wasn't doing well.
I knew another person with a PhD in English, and he didn't speak well AT ALL! And he ADMITTED and APOLOGIZED for it!
Oh well, considering some of your threads, I guess your opinions here fit.