I fairly quickly dashed off the following...
Subject: NOT-MH-08-103
I would find it most interesting if there were research done concerning the older people on the spectrum.
In my case, an extended period of progressively greater social isolation manifested as a tentative self-diagnosis of depression, which was fairly quickly replaced by a sure self-diagnosis of Asperger's Syndrome, then an official diagnosis of the same.
1) An investigation of the prevalence of undiagnosed ASDs amongst older age groups. It would appear, to me, to be no different from that currently reported among children.
2) An investigation of the causative factors that lead older people with undiagnosed ASDs to deteriorate in social functionality. (I'll volunteer as a case study.)
3) Research into means whereby an older aspie can be persuaded to (at least occasionally) re-don the mask of neurotypicality. (I'll volunteer as a subject.)
4) Another research area would be to investigate the true correlation between exceptional (if narrow) abilities and ASDs.
Lau AS! d-(!) a++ c++++ p++ t+ f-- e++ h+ r--(+) n++(*) i++ P- m++
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"Striking up conversations with strangers is an autistic person's version of extreme sports."
Kamran Nazeer