Tequila wrote:
woodsman25 wrote:
I could use it in certain situations, like dating.
You would either end up living a lie or your partner would find out that you aren't showing your true colours and dump you.
ok... something I did not think of at all, good point, I wanna try and make a rebuttle, but I dont have 1 cause you are right, I would be lying and lying is a horrible way to start a relationship.
Jeeze, and so their it is, I feel I am a decent guy who can someday be a good provider, but have no experience at 25 years old, God many middle schoollers know more about dating then I do, and no pill on Earth would help with that at all, you really just gotta be your self indeed.
DX'ed with HFA as a child. However this was in 1987 and I am certain had I been DX'ed a few years later I would have been DX'ed with AS instead.