Almost total quiet. Clock has to go under pile of clothes cos the ticking sound distracts me. ( gosh, just read yours, coolerstertothecore ! !)
Fairly weighty covers.
Almost complete darkness, but enough light seeping in through window ( currently glass doors to living room) so i know where walls and everything are. I cannot sleep in complete darkness because i easily lose touch with what sense i'm lying etc, and have had some absolutely AWFUL experiences, of not knowing where i am. For instance once woke up totally convinced that i was on top of the wardrobe and did not dare move. It took ages for me to locate walls, floor, and me in that, before could move. I was in bed, though oddly situated, right at bottom of it. The weird thing is that i literally couldn't tell if i was on a mattress under covers, or on the hard surface of a wardrobe, without light to help. And have had this experience on a few occasions when slept in complete darkness . It's horrible.
Now always have a light source of some kind.
No pillow. Haven't used one in years. Can't bear having head propped up.
A hood or woollen hat helps.
And I have to be pretty warm. Hate cold.
Then, so long as guts aren't playing up can sleep. In the past, when well exercised and sunned i have found it easier to fall asleep.

Last edited by ouinon on 03 Jan 2008, 12:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.