What Do You Need or Use in Order to Sleep at Night?

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03 Jan 2008, 9:08 am

I forgot to mention that I NEED to have my duvet. I need the feeling of weight on me to be able to sleep - and sheet isn't sufficient. Ideally my duvet and a heavy cotton blanket are great. I also need a pillow - preferable one that is quite (excuse the phrase) 'well stuffed' as flat pillows or foam pillows don't really support my head at all. The pillow also needs to not be too firm - there needs to be some 'give' when I rest my head upon it.

The sheets need to be cotton as I struggle to sleep when covered by non-breatheable fabrics. I also need the mattress to not be too hard otherwise I either can't sleep or I wake up aching in the morning.


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03 Jan 2008, 9:09 am

i listen to music it helps me sleep


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03 Jan 2008, 9:23 am

I need to have Sid in my arms, a night light, some winamp music playing on my laptop, at a low volume, preferably playing 365 day a year Christmas music, music from the 1940s to the 1970s. I also need there to be snow on the ground, because I feel all warm and cozy in bed, when there is. I also need to spend an evening with my friends, in order to be able to sleep, for at least seven hours. Ten hours, at the most.

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03 Jan 2008, 10:34 am

angelgirl1224 wrote:
i listen to music it helps me sleep

Me too, though it can take awhile. Sometimes reading helps.

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03 Jan 2008, 11:06 am

My room has to be completely pitch black. I cover my alarm clock with my tshirt so there's no light and I make sure that there isn't any light seeping in under my bedroom door. I also have to make sure the closet door is closed because if it isn't, it will keep me awake because I think about it the whole time.

Both of my pillows need to have the opening facing to my left if I'm sleeping on my back. That one is a bit weird because if I fall asleep without checking that, I'm really anxious the next morning when I discover I slept with them the wrong way.

I also run a fan for "white noise" and I sleep with my dogs. They're like my little heaters in the wintertime.


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03 Jan 2008, 11:55 am

Darkness, quietness, along with some melatonin and valerian root.

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03 Jan 2008, 12:00 pm

Clean linen, clean air, clean body, clean atmosphere. Nothing harshing my mellow in the least way. Quiet, serenity, comfortable everything - natural as much as possible. Not too warm, not too cold. Peaceful. And if I hear any extra noises - ear plugs. If there's a smell coming from outside - I will sprinkle aromatherapeutic oils - liberally - everywhere.

Nothing will come between me and a good night's sleep. Let'em try.

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03 Jan 2008, 12:33 pm

I always used to need it to be pitch black when I was little but now I can cope with low-level light. Noise is a big issue though. Last night I had to ask my boyfriend to unplug the cd player as I could hear it buzzing and we have to put my boyfriend's watch in some clothes because if I hear it ticking it drives me insane (he can't hear any of this and they're next to his head). The washing machine and dish washer do my head in too.

Then I need a big duvet, but then I get too hot so usually I have it on top of me but with my legs completely out.

It took me weeks to get used to sleeping in the same bed as my boyfriend.

Oh and I have to face to the right because of my diseased lung which rattles when I sleep on the other side.

I'm a terrible sleeper.

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03 Jan 2008, 12:41 pm

Almost total quiet. Clock has to go under pile of clothes cos the ticking sound distracts me. ( gosh, just read yours, coolerstertothecore ! !)
Fairly weighty covers.
Almost complete darkness, but enough light seeping in through window ( currently glass doors to living room) so i know where walls and everything are. I cannot sleep in complete darkness because i easily lose touch with what sense i'm lying etc, and have had some absolutely AWFUL experiences, of not knowing where i am. For instance once woke up totally convinced that i was on top of the wardrobe and did not dare move. It took ages for me to locate walls, floor, and me in that, before could move. I was in bed, though oddly situated, right at bottom of it. The weird thing is that i literally couldn't tell if i was on a mattress under covers, or on the hard surface of a wardrobe, without light to help. And have had this experience on a few occasions when slept in complete darkness . It's horrible.
Now always have a light source of some kind.
No pillow. Haven't used one in years. Can't bear having head propped up.
A hood or woollen hat helps.
And I have to be pretty warm. Hate cold.
Then, so long as guts aren't playing up can sleep. In the past, when well exercised and sunned i have found it easier to fall asleep.


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03 Jan 2008, 12:47 pm

I also need to have a big blanket on wrapped tightly around me. I live in Arizona so find it really hard to sleep in the Summer. I need my fan on, it sort of lulls me to sleep and blocks out any background noises. I also need it really really dark. If there's a small glow from an alarm clock or some type of electronic I usually cover it. Also I can't sleep on my back, I like pressure on my chest and I sleep on stomach.

Although even if I have all those things perfect, I have trouble sleeping because of my anxiety and obsessions. With my anxiety I won't be able to sleep because I'll be rehearsing and visualizing everything that will be happening in my future social situations. With my obsessions I find it hard to part from them to even try to sleep, or it's all I can think about and I won't be able to lie in bed for too long without going nuts :alien:

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03 Jan 2008, 1:05 pm

my weigth planket and radiator<33333333 :lol: :P

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03 Jan 2008, 2:10 pm

I need the room to be pretty dark, and absolutely no sound. Well, I can handle the murmur of traffic, but crickets or a clock ticking or any voices keep me up all night. I need to be curled up under a bunch of covers, with one of my arms under the pillow. And I usually need melatonin or benadryl ifI want to fall asleep within a reasonable amount of time.


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03 Jan 2008, 2:49 pm

melatonin works great. can take a supplement or produce it naturally. body produces melatonin when it's dark so if it's low you need either a darker room or a supplement.

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03 Jan 2008, 3:05 pm

What I absolutely NEED to sleep is to be tired.

I prefer if it's dark, and I have something to sleep on that isn't too uncomfortable, and not too cold.


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03 Jan 2008, 3:09 pm

Pitch blackness.

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03 Jan 2008, 3:12 pm

Finding sleep has always been a troublesome quest for me, as has been finding wakefulness.

I like:

1. A high volume of white noise; a large box fan works nicely for this.
2. Air blowing on me; box fan again.
3. Pitch black.
4. At least 3 soft pillows; two for my head, and one to snuggle.
5. Several heavy blankets.
6. A futon mattress stuffed with wool.
7. No visible clock, so I don't keep looking/staring at the clock.
8. Relatively cool environment (too warm mucks me up horribly).
9. 1000 thread count Egyptian cotton sheets (wow those feel good).
10. A door that locks to assuage my paranoia.

I also use melatonin and valerian root, along with some warm Sleepytime tea.

To have a gentle waking rather than be rip-jarred out of a dream, I use a sunrise simulator hooked up to two broad-spectrum incandescent reflector lamps.

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- Icarus sleeps like the living and wakes like the dead...

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