angelgirl1224 wrote:
Wilco- not how the body wanted it to be? How do you know this 'Normal Nt' rubbish wasnt what the body wanted it to be? How precisly can you know that.
You cant know what is precise. nothing is normal. everything is normal.
(from wiki) Neurotypical (or NT) is a neologism used to describe people whose neurological development and state are consistent with what most people would perceive as normal in their ability to process linguistic information and social cues.
In a land where everyone is blind, a person who can see would be considered different.
In a land where nobody can speak, someone with a voice would be considered different.
We have asperger. we are different. different from people who have the down syndrome. different from people who have PDD, different from people who have something else. so how do you call someone that doesnt have anything? we dont call him normal, we call him neuro typical. NTs are the base. you can say NTs are nothing. but thats a bit mean to say isn't it?
but we can also just call them NAs. Non Autisms