ouinon wrote:
Smelena wrote:
Go to a country where children are not vaccinated and watch them die/become ill from diseases like polio, tetanus, diptheria.
Do you mean the countries without proper water sanitation systems, where many people do not have access to clean drinking water, and yet are encouraged to stop breastfeeding and use poor quality rejected milk powder products which need mixing with this water?
Ok, so now we know what info we're looking for. Does anyone know of a country (or even region) somewhere in the First World, with proper sanitation and nutrition, clean water, etc. that does NOT use vaccinations heavily? If so, what are disease/epidemic rates like in these areas? And does anyone want to try and refute the success of the first vaccine, developed by Edward Jenner? Some people who took the vaccine DID end up dying of smallpox, but the death rate due to smallpox was appreciably lower in the vaccinated group than among people who were never vaccinated. Now, I don't trust drug companies in general, but I'm going to need to see some hard evidence (include stats, sources, etc) that vaccines really are harmful. It is true that both Sabin and Salk talked about the potential harm from vaccination, but really they were mostly trash-talking their competitor, since they both developed different polio vaccines. If anyone can find a study that shows that, all else held equal, those who are vaccinated were ever more susceptible to disease outbreak than those who were not, I will lend these claims some credence. But I plan to study to be a doctor, and I'm fairly confident that there is not a massive conspiracy within the medical community, as most doctors honestly want to help people. It would also be necessary to substantiate these allegations of drug companies influencing medical school curriculum.