Recipe for Creating Autism in a Child

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13 Jan 2008, 10:56 am

coyote wrote:
just a quick reflexion: autism causes many problems to the one who has it. so much that they almost all end-up alone. If this was PURELY genetic, it should have disapeared by natural selection over the last couple thousands years....

No one is saying it's a purely genetic occurance. As for natural selection - hah. Stupidity, evil and ignorance still seem to be in the gene pool uneradicated and very much a part of the human composite. Do you not think that in order to ERADICATE negativity, evil, gene mutations or what have you - that an act of will - i.e. consciousness - i.e. knowledge, wisdom and understanding - i.e. the actual tools of evolution are needed for this utilization??? Or perhaps :poof: by some kind of magical happening the gene pool is cleared. Don't forget the ignorant, evil and ill are precisely those most likely to reproduce, pass on their genes - mutations and all much for the evolution of mankind.

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13 Jan 2008, 11:07 am

jjstar wrote:
Have at least one parent not breast-fed, but fed on bottles, not bonded with mother.
Add to that - mother who ingested pharmaceuticals prior to her pregnancy
mother vaccinated
Mother who suffered severe psychological upheaval prior or during her pregnancy
Mother who opted for epidural, hospital birth, inducing birth trauma, swaddling of infant, immediate separation from infant at birth
Mother who opted to vaccinate infant
and bottle feeding
and incorporating and of the following in the home -
TV, microwave, flourescent lights, plastics that leech toxic substances, lead paint, tainted water, air and earth, mould
Ingestion of toxic components (additives, colorings, preservatives, drugs, alcohol during breastfeeding)
Non-bonding with infant via mirroring from birth onwards (see also rejection, coldness, removal to nursery immediately after birth without a first feeding, inconsistent mothers, numerous caretakers, chaotic surroundings)


Welcome to the Isolated World of Autism. Oh and BTW - Doctors don't know sh*t about what ails the child - but they'll do their darndest to make sure they're *manageable* by any means necessary. Shock, drug or restraint. Whatever it takes.

And parents are still in the dark.

What a shame.
What a bloody shame.

I think yoúve hit the nail on the head here. I'm sure that the reason I'm so 'high functioning' now and have learnt to cope so well is that my parents are both very aware of what goes on. Sure, I was vaccinated - but I don't think I've had them all because they realised the dangers, only too late for me. I was breast-fed, I had plastic toys as a kid but even more were simple wood... They played with me, spent time with me, went for long walks in the park and in the countryside, talked to me, fed me whole, organic foods, limited the amount of junk in my diet (I hadn't even heard of McDonalds until I was 8 and invited to a birthday party there!)... they're brilliant people, and for this I thank them. I'm sure I wouldn't be where I am today if they'd gone with the flow and with the crowd and opted for feeding me drugs and the standard chemicalised diet and putting me in front of a TV babysitter. I just wish other people's parents would wake up so they can be as fortunate.

We are a fever, we are a fever, we ain't born typical...


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13 Jan 2008, 11:21 am

LeKiwi wrote:
jjstar wrote:
Have at least one parent not breast-fed, but fed on bottles, not bonded with mother.
Add to that - mother who ingested pharmaceuticals prior to her pregnancy
mother vaccinated
Mother who suffered severe psychological upheaval prior or during her pregnancy
Mother who opted for epidural, hospital birth, inducing birth trauma, swaddling of infant, immediate separation from infant at birth
Mother who opted to vaccinate infant
and bottle feeding
and incorporating and of the following in the home -
TV, microwave, flourescent lights, plastics that leech toxic substances, lead paint, tainted water, air and earth, mould
Ingestion of toxic components (additives, colorings, preservatives, drugs, alcohol during breastfeeding)
Non-bonding with infant via mirroring from birth onwards (see also rejection, coldness, removal to nursery immediately after birth without a first feeding, inconsistent mothers, numerous caretakers, chaotic surroundings)


Welcome to the Isolated World of Autism. Oh and BTW - Doctors don't know sh*t about what ails the child - but they'll do their darndest to make sure they're *manageable* by any means necessary. Shock, drug or restraint. Whatever it takes.

And parents are still in the dark.

What a shame.
What a bloody shame.

I think yoúve hit the nail on the head here. I'm sure that the reason I'm so 'high functioning' now and have learnt to cope so well is that my parents are both very aware of what goes on. Sure, I was vaccinated - but I don't think I've had them all because they realised the dangers, only too late for me. I was breast-fed, I had plastic toys as a kid but even more were simple wood... They played with me, spent time with me, went for long walks in the park and in the countryside, talked to me, fed me whole, organic foods, limited the amount of junk in my diet (I hadn't even heard of McDonalds until I was 8 and invited to a birthday party there!)... they're brilliant people, and for this I thank them. I'm sure I wouldn't be where I am today if they'd gone with the flow and with the crowd and opted for feeding me drugs and the standard chemicalised diet and putting me in front of a TV babysitter. I just wish other people's parents would wake up so they can be as fortunate.

Very interesting Kiwi - we share a lot of commonalities here. I too was vaccinated (to the HILT -with everything including boosters), breastfed for 4 months, then put on some kind of formula - my genes eh - some good - some not so - raised pretty much in isolation - feral almost with animals as my main companions and caretakers - started showing symptoms at 3 or 4 with raging, temper tantrums - refusing to sleep - crankiness, then becoming shy and withdrawn. I was always fed good food - and at some point was given healthy food according to Adele Davis' book. I'd have to say that in my case it's both genetic and conditioning. I mean the predeposition - proclivity is to dysfunction from the get-go genetically - by the non-interaction from birth onwards - cold mother - the isolation - social indifference set in. I was fortunate enough to have received some interaction via a sibling - which now allows me to be able to communicate to some degree or how you put it to be *high functioning* - but it's pretty short lived. Most of the time - i'm living on the edge from meltdown to meltdown. Though I do put my theories into practice - discipline needed - and am doing what I can to o v e r c o m e.

I think that anyone who possesses self awareness and has gone through whatever we have - must inform the others - and this is what we're doing. :?

Natives who beat drums to drive off evil spirits are objects of scorn to smart Americans who blow horns to break up traffic jams. ~Mary Ellen Kelly


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13 Jan 2008, 11:30 am

Zwerfbeertje wrote:
jjstar wrote:
Dear, in order for an occurance to become *genetic* it must start from soimewhere

Those sparks, btw, are random genetic variations.



Sure if you're unconscious.


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13 Jan 2008, 12:02 pm

Yeah, I think for me it was mostly genes... there's a lot of ASDs (mostly AS) in my family, so there's obviously a genetic predisposition. But to see videos of me as a 3 or 4 year old, then an 8 year old, then a 12 year old... it's clear as day to anyone that I've always had AS. An absolute classic case. But if you were to see a video of me as a, say, 15 year old... it's there, but it's not as strong. I think my parents efforts had started to work. I'm lucky; now I can blend in with the crowd and yes, I am seen as a bit quirky, but my friends all just like it and find it 'cute' (their word); they accept it's just me. They don't know about the AS for the most part, and although it wouldn't bother me if they did, I don't really see the need. I know how I cope with things, I know what to do if I'm heading for meltdown, and so I can deal with things fine. My parents talked with me, taught me, helped me come up with strategies and not once did they ever show anything other than love and respect... frustration at times, yes, but my goodness - I'd have been far more frustrated than they were in their shoes!!
My little brother has now had 4 different vaccines rejected by my parents because they don't see them as necessary or safe. He's had offers of drugs rejected. He eats well and has a speech-language therapist working with him, and he's making fantastic progress (he's got a speech-related anxiety disorder) - an intelligent, bright, bubbly, hilarious kid with a wicked sense of humour and amazing imagination. Who'd want to taint that?
So yeah, it's in the genes and the blood and that's ok, but the environment and drugs and food and everything can impact things enormously. My other brother was apparently a possible ADHD kid, until he was taken to a homeopath who picked up on his numerous allergies to various food additives and chemicals. They were cut out and he became the lovely, friendly, normal kid we all knew was underneath.
People just don't seem to realise the impact food and diet and meds can have on a child!!

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13 Jan 2008, 12:07 pm

jj, your rejection of all aspects of modernity, and your insistence on Lysenkoistic genetics, means that there's no point in having a conversation with you. Citing mere reality will carry no weight against your own personal convictions, so why bother pretending you're "inviting a serious conversation"? You're just trolling now.

Sodium is a metal that reacts explosively when exposed to water. Chlorine is a gas that'll kill you dead in moments. Together they make my fries taste good.


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13 Jan 2008, 12:25 pm

Why do people constantly accuse others of trolling when they aren't?!

This isn't inflammatory or nasty or anything resembling trolling. It's a viewpoint that opposes yours. That doesn't mean it's trolling.

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13 Jan 2008, 12:40 pm

jjstar wrote:
Perfect. I have no problem with this Daniel. Just one question. Since when does an infection cause a gene to MUTATE?!

Unless there's something else going on simultaneously like - an impaired immune system which basically leaves the doors wide open for gene mutation to occur without the ability to ward or/fight the assault. And what is causing THAT?

Honest question...

Here, you say autism is caused by a gene mutation. Okay, but what I don't understand is how you have listed several things which happen after the child's birth as causes of autism? How can a child's genetic makeup mutate or change after he or she has already been born?

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13 Jan 2008, 12:47 pm

DeaconBlues wrote:
jj, your rejection of all aspects of modernity, and your insistence on Lysenkoistic genetics, means that there's no point in having a conversation with you. Citing mere reality will carry no weight against your own personal convictions, so why bother pretending you're "inviting a serious conversation"? You're just trolling now.

Trolling. Now there's a laugh and a half. wait. I'm going to really ROTF - LOLing. :) :) :) Pot, kettle, black anyone?

I think YOU'RE trolling for calling me a troll. How's dat? It seems that way, I mean you're all for the scientifical clueless crowd, and everyone who has an ounce of cerebral matter knows the baseless stance *science* comes from - removing Creator and Spirit from the equation, so how can anyone take you seriously? Your kind cites equations and *proof* that if at all credible first had their roots in the ancient wisdoms - preceding so-called science by 5000 years, rendering anything you have as *proof* as plagarism at best and guesswork at its worse. Science without Creator and Spirit is half an equation and sheds NO light whatsoever but actually create darkness, destruction, disease and disasters.

Natives who beat drums to drive off evil spirits are objects of scorn to smart Americans who blow horns to break up traffic jams. ~Mary Ellen Kelly


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13 Jan 2008, 12:52 pm

coyote wrote:
just a quick reflexion: autism causes many problems to the one who has it. so much that they almost all end-up alone. If this was PURELY genetic, it should have disapeared by natural selection over the last couple thousands years....

Actually, if I had been born in an earlier time, I would have had better success. The crazy laws, stupid peer arrangments, etc... Complicated my PERSONAL interaction. MANY societies, and earlier MOST, don't even require such personal interaction. They have arranged marriages!! !!

So you are forgetting a LOT of variables!! !

NOPE, it wouldn't have died out, it would have THRIVED!


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13 Jan 2008, 12:56 pm

Immortal wrote:
jjstar wrote:
Perfect. I have no problem with this Daniel. Just one question. Since when does an infection cause a gene to MUTATE?!

Unless there's something else going on simultaneously like - an impaired immune system which basically leaves the doors wide open for gene mutation to occur without the ability to ward or/fight the assault. And what is causing THAT?

Honest question...

Here, you say autism is caused by a gene mutation. Okay, but what I don't understand is how you have listed several things which happen after the child's birth as causes of autism? How can a child's genetic makeup mutate or change after he or she has already been born?

An infant is born with their genetic pattern, however the activation of all potential is up to the individual to manifest. A child becomes conscious of himself/herself, his/her needs, those around him, textures, sounds, familiarizes, associates, responds, develops recognition, attachment, love, independence, learning, observing, reflecting, experiencing - at all different levels of brain, body, spirit (mind) expansion from the age 0 onwards - constantly opening and expanding. With each experience there is an imprint - coding - these are genetic imprints that create who we are to become in relationships - to self, others and Creator. These become patterns - and within the patterns there are pathways that go on to repeat themselves - creating similar experiences - and those are unconscious and there are those pathways that require free-will and a conscious effort - i.e. an awareness - that will develop into new expanded pathways and hierchies creating higher levels of imprints of the mind and consciousness. All of these states are created with neurons - which with thought, speech and action then develop into genomes.

The conditions in which a child - how they are taught, what they ingest, how they are treated, what they experience, who their role models are, their own intelligence, spirit, talents, personality - the level of their soul - all will determine the health of the gene and that of its offspring in later generations.

Natives who beat drums to drive off evil spirits are objects of scorn to smart Americans who blow horns to break up traffic jams. ~Mary Ellen Kelly

Last edited by jjstar on 13 Jan 2008, 1:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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13 Jan 2008, 12:59 pm

jjstar wrote:
Sure go ahead and quote *MODERN SCIENCE* who in 100 years hasn't CURED one bloody disease and hasn't a frigging clue on how the mind/brain/body as a whole functions!

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

What an odd statement. In the past 100 years, the age of viability for premature infants has gone from 34 weeks to 24 weeks. Antibiotics were invented, preventing some pretty horrendous flu epidemics, among other things. The DNA helix was discovered. Treatments for cancer have been discovered that can effectively cure formerly lethal cancers. Due to vaccinations, smallpox has been effectively eradicated worldwide, and many, many other diseases have been made all but extinct in the USA.

It is true that every disease has not been eradicated, and it is true that with every cure comes new (and usually less lethal) problems, but the idea that medical science has done nothing for the past 100 years is...unsupportable.


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13 Jan 2008, 1:16 pm

nicurn wrote:
jjstar wrote:
Sure go ahead and quote *MODERN SCIENCE* who in 100 years hasn't CURED one bloody disease and hasn't a frigging clue on how the mind/brain/body as a whole functions!

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

nicurn wrote:
What an odd statement. In the past 100 years, the age of viability for premature infants has gone from 34 weeks to 24 weeks.


Yeah, and so? I mean really. The infant mortality rate, on the other hand is through the roof with the United States being pretty high on that list. Let's not even go into the issue of abortions, crack babies, deformed babies, fetal alcohol syndrome, the state of hospitals, the state of health insurance (got insurance? no? woops, sorry - try Cuba!) and once those babies are born (whew) there's something not quite right - it's ADD, BPD, AS, BP, gotta drug em - or maybe they're just acting up - gotta slap em upside the head, cause gotta keep them child abuse numbers up - dontcha know - and they're really soaring. So - again - you got numbers and I got numbers - and your numbers are adding up to machismo - look - we got bigger - and I'm saying your *bigger* ain't better. Not by a long shot.

nicurn wrote:
Antibiotics were invented, preventing some pretty horrendous flu epidemics, among other things. The DNA helix was discovered. Treatments for cancer have been discovered that can effectively cure formerly lethal cancers. Due to vaccinations, smallpox has been effectively eradicated worldwide, and many, many other diseases have been made all but extinct in the USA.


Oh yippee. The antibiotics theme. Love that one. OK - you bring antibiotics and Polio - (what, you forgot Salk? tsk tsk) I will counter with yahuh. You did really well in cutting up people, burning them with chemo and curing zilch, nada, nothing - in fact you created a WHOLE sleu of new horrible incurable diseases and not only that they're ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANT! Gosh. It must suck to be a scientist these days. It's like kicking yourself in the shins with every discovery - you're creating something even worse than its predecessor.

nicurn wrote:
It is true that every disease has not been eradicated, and it is true that with every cure comes new (and usually less lethal) problems, but the idea that medical science has done nothing for the past 100 years is...unsupportable.

Oh sure the scientists have done a lot. Lots of experimentations in the name of science. Millions of animals slaughtered, millions of human lives destroyed, trillions of dollars wasted, pretty buildings with fancy *foundations* and honorable plaques naming rich people and their protoges - and the whacky fun loving guys at MIT, Berkeley, NYC, Cambridge, Weizmann Institute and the labs in every other corner of the globe where brains and babies adorn the walls in glass jars and electrodes protrude from monkey's skulls. Fun times and all for the greater good! AIDS, SARS, Dengue, Autism, cancers, diabetes, alzheimers, Lou Gehrig's - all just waiting to be cured by the men in white. Yet they just can't seem to hack it.


Natives who beat drums to drive off evil spirits are objects of scorn to smart Americans who blow horns to break up traffic jams. ~Mary Ellen Kelly

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13 Jan 2008, 1:24 pm

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To brush the surface, and to make it flow;
But still remember, if you mean to please,
To press your point with modesty and ease."
-Cowper, Conversation


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13 Jan 2008, 1:25 pm

How have antibiotics prevented flu epidemics?? And how does chemo work, when it indiscriminately kills healthy cells alongside cancerous ones??

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13 Jan 2008, 1:33 pm

LeKiwi wrote:
How have antibiotics prevented flu epidemics?? And how does chemo work, when it indiscriminately kills healthy cells alongside cancerous ones??

I challenge you to create a better treatment with a better survival rate.

My mother is alive because of Chemo, so I have no complaints. She did loose her hair, but the treatment was not "debilitating", she continued weight lifting and going for daily 3 mile walks even during chemo, and was able to do absolutely everything she had done before in a normal day. She even participated in Race For The Cure while undergoing chemo. She's actually in better healthy now than she was before.

"Never injure what cannot die"