Now I am frustrated! Is this fair......

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16 Jan 2008, 1:30 pm

LabPet wrote:
2ukenkerl wrote:
Based on labpets job, and certain things she said, it sound like the jerk is a coworker. His pay and position may be just above hers. She is upset because he is not trying to understand her, and sees her as having some other problem.(labpet, correct me if I am wrong)

He's my PsyD - medical clinician. I pay him for services. So, he's not a co-worker at all. I agree with Inventor; I just can't keep him as my doctor since he's increasing my frustration.......I am misinterpreted. PsyD professional is not helping. I just write to inifinity and back for him. I'm exhausted.

Give him the BOOT, he has a penis in his head a brain for sh*T at the other end.

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16 Jan 2008, 1:30 pm

LabPet wrote:
2ukenkerl wrote:
Based on labpets job, and certain things she said, it sound like the jerk is a coworker. His pay and position may be just above hers. She is upset because he is not trying to understand her, and sees her as having some other problem.(labpet, correct me if I am wrong)

He's my PsyD - medical clinician. I pay him for services. So, he's not a co-worker at all. I agree with Inventor; I just can't keep him as my doctor since he's increasing my frustration.......I am misinterpreted. PsyD professional is not helping. I just write to inifinity and back for him. I'm exhausted.

Give him the BOOT!

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16 Jan 2008, 1:39 pm

so ok why are you writing this guy letters so much if you think he is wrong and annoys you so much?
i'd just stay away from him. i just saw that he is your new doctor, i'd go to another one if he upsets you so much

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16 Jan 2008, 5:11 pm

2ukenkerl wrote:
hartzofspace wrote:
I think SleepyDragon has a point there. Often, when confronted with this type of problem, I have realized that I am talking to a man who is threatened by a female appearing smarter than himself. How incredibly boring. We most certainly do not think with our genitals. :roll:

I really don't hope you SERIOUSLY feel that way! GRANTED a lot of males, in my day, generally realized we were supposed (Expected and have the capability) to do some things better than females. We might be ridiculed if we didn't. But Lying about it wouldn't help.

No, I don't seriously feel this way. Just venting frustration at the few males I have met, who seemed to think that way. :wink:

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16 Jan 2008, 5:55 pm

hartzofspace wrote:
2ukenkerl wrote:
hartzofspace wrote:
I think SleepyDragon has a point there. Often, when confronted with this type of problem, I have realized that I am talking to a man who is threatened by a female appearing smarter than himself. How incredibly boring. We most certainly do not think with our genitals. :roll:

I really don't hope you SERIOUSLY feel that way! GRANTED a lot of males, in my day, generally realized we were supposed (Expected and have the capability) to do some things better than females. We might be ridiculed if we didn't. But Lying about it wouldn't help.

No, I don't seriously feel this way. Just venting frustration at the few males I have met, who seemed to think that way. :wink:

The problem with these sexist sterotypes is they are true. I am an older male, and have the same problems with them. Male authority figures feel any questions question their authority, they are above questions! Ask a Police Officer why you were pulled over, and you are likely going to jail for resisting.

Most women do not seem to feel as threatened by questions, and truely some questions would take a lot of education to understand the answer in context. This is equaled out by women who seek power, and use it before any questions are asked. They feel they were bullied, singled out for being female, when they were singled out for being human, and weaker. They still seek revenge.

I am a Humanist, I think they should be exterminated. Their faults far outnumber their good points.

As far as I can tell most are out to avenge something that happened 10,000 years ago, and some sick game of tag has continued it through time. It was those village farmers, staying in one place, stinking up the land, fouling the water, and acting like they could own the pastures that the herds had used for thousands of years.

Their claims that their god gave them the land, between grazings, and forever, and that their totem on a pole gave then authority over all people, has caused no end of trouble. By the authority granted by my god to the king of twenty mud huts, in the name of the clan totem, I claim all of your hunting grounds, pastures, and forbid you to enter my land, as other than as my slave.

Tolerance has not worked, they seek more and more to claim. Their god is false.

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16 Jan 2008, 6:02 pm

Inventor wrote:
I am a Humanist, I think they should be exterminated.

As a humanist?

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16 Jan 2008, 6:06 pm

My Dear Labpet... Please... sit down... 8)

You obviously have devoted your life to your work and now feel a natural impulse for human contact...

LabPet wrote:
I am well-educated and studying neuroscience at the University plus I'm firstly a chemist.

You have searched diligently for the 'right' man and thought you had found him...
LabPet wrote:
I am an analytical thinker. He's kind...Yes, he's smart...

Your repeated attempts at gaining his attention have left you feeling upset...
LabPet wrote:
I am sick with frustration because he just DOES NOT GET IT. I pay him for services. I just write to inifinity and back for him. I am misinterpreted.

This has given way to sexual tension and lustful desires...
LabPet wrote:
...GIVE THIS MAN A SPANKING... Help me out here.....spank him. I sincerely might wear my lab coat (it's embroided with 'the Lab Pet') with fishnet stockings. It's very provocative. Spank him hard... I just can't keep him as my doctor since he's increasing my frustration....... I'm exhausted.

Although this relationship, as it is, continues to create such anxiety for you... you persist...
LabPet wrote:
How am I supposed to 'spoonfeed' this man...?

You find you cannot live a day without some involvement with him...
LabPet wrote:
Oh, and make it snappy Aspies. I have an appt. tomorrow late afternoon.

You have even created feelings of competition with his other patients...
LabPet wrote:
Whilst he may be 'good' with other patients... That's the problem!

It is my opinion that you should either come right out and tell him you desire him and wish him to grovel at your feet... in those patent leather pumps atop his hands grinding his flesh in pain while your whip descends upon his quivering pathetic girly-man-dressed-in-French Maid Costumed-back, the air alive with the electri....ooops... sorry, got carried away there... AHEM!... so you tell him you are in love with him... or....

You break off this relationship and start your search anew.

Of course, you don't have to take my word for it. BUT, I did write a paper on this years ago... well... not a paper really. I did write a paragraph in a published work... I mean... even though it was a self-published newsletter it still counts!.... oh.. and it wasn't really even a paragraph... BUT, you get the idea I'm sure!

I wish you well in your search... and did I mention that I like spankings? :twisted: :wink:

Seriously..... awwww... I know.. I ruin all the fun....

I agree with others that you should not continue in sessions with someone you cannot communicate effectively with.
I'm not about to make claims about this man's person or professionalism, I am just reading your words and seeing that this is not a working relationship that is of benefit to you.

I know resources can be limited in Fairbanks and Anchorage is a bit of a drive every week/bi-weekly... maybe once a month works for face-to-face visits and make visits via phone/email the rest of the time?

I wish I could recommend someone up there.
There was a counsellor name of Lynn Basham at UAF in the med center, but he may be retired by now.
He's the only other person besides the lady I saw when I was there.
I figure someone like them could recommend another doc for you.

Hope you didn't mind the bit of fun I had above... no harm intended.
And I don't really get into spankings... just so's you know! :oops: :wink:

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16 Jan 2008, 6:30 pm

Wow, 1980. Wasn't that back when they were still locking autistic people up and classifying it alongside schizophrenia? (If I remember correctly the 'modern age' of autism treatment started in 1984, and has taken a long time to get where it is).

Doctors are egomaniacs. My grandfather was a doctor. My mum is a practice nurse who has worked in several practices, and in every one the doctors were a bunch of dicks (frequently of the kind who couldn't find their bum with both hands, and a copy of Grey's Anatomy). Doctors also get a lot worse with age, as lording it over all their staff and patients for years seems to give them even more of a god complex.

Medicine is based on science and with science theories are updated when a better model is found. If not it'd be just the same as religion. I suggest you show open contempt for what this guy believes. If he can't keep up to date he should retire. Just think how much more advanced medicine would be if doctors had to go back to school to keep up to date, instead of spouting out the same old baloney they learned nearly 30 years ago.


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16 Jan 2008, 6:50 pm

LabPet wrote:
I have a relatively new PsyD. He's kind BUT...problem. Big problem. I am sick with frustration because he just DOES NOT GET IT (re: autism, specifically HFA/Aspies). First, he said he wrote a 'paper' in 1980 plus worked with 6 low-functioning autistics then with another clinician - painting/art therapy. Fine.

I am well-educated (just speaking objectively; not assigning value judgment) and studying neuroscience at the University plus I'm firstly a chemist. I am an analytical thinker. He's not. Yes, he's smart...just not a researcher by any means. Anyway, as we all know, autism research has progressed by leaps and bounds since he studied! Autism is most certainly NOT his speciality, by his admission.

So, I write to him (often, instead of speaking). I write well; succinctly and clearly. But he STILL cannot conceptualize autism, in my opinion. For instance, last week I gave him 2 pages I wrote which included, by clear indication (in quotes, cited, italized script) just a few relevant passages by Dr. Temple Grandin and Dr. Tony Attwood for him. I really needed him to know this stuff and UNDERSTAND instead of just guessing.

He actually thought, since he obviously did not read well, that I wrote this stuff! NO!! !! !! ! I had clearly written QUOTES, even listing the books, page numbers, etc. MENTAL SCREAM. He did not even know of Dr. Grandin or Dr. Attwood!

Worse, he then had the audacity to say these two esteemed researchers are wrong or that was 'just their interpretation.' How arrogant; does my doctor proport to know more than Dr. G and Dr. A? Huh? Who is he to make this assessment? My frustration is EXTREME.

First, that he didn't actually understand, from lack of reading, WHO wrote the quotes (duh) and, second, that he's just GUESSING! With no data!

Then he made me more upset....he keeps saying, repeatedly, since I am high-functioning (ie: cognitively enhanced) that I am just some kind of weird exception to autism. I feel like screaming!! ! Especially since, knowing all of you here on WP, there are immensely gifted Aspies/Auties! I feel offended, AND I feel he has offended my friends on this forum too from his ignorance.

Yes, I've tried to tell this man that whilst there are autistics who are 'low-functioning' there are tremendous gifts too! I am not in any way denying that being autistic is really hard - it is hard!

Please help me....tell this PsyD that we are not Rainman! That is, before I have a screaming fit. ANY AND ALL OF YOUR COMMENTS ARE APPRECIATED. FEEL FREE TO EXPRESS YOURSELF AND LET US GIVE THIS MAN A SPANKING (metaphorically speaking).

How am I supposed to 'spoonfeed' this man this data and have him believe me? Or even believe experts who far outrank him. He even questioned Dr. Hans Asperger himself! How dare he? EGO.

Help me out here.....spank him. I'll even print (some) of your comments for him...or I shall wallpaper his office with it.
I'm on a rampage.


Why not just find a new doctor? I had to go through 5 doctors before I found one that was competent when it comes to basic medical knowledge. I see most doctors as drug company salesman who go to work to get a paycheck and who really don't care much about their patients. Health insurance is a big part of the problem. If all of us had to pay the full cost of doctor visits, all these bad doctors would have to keep up to date and help their patients or they would be out of a job. If you hired a mechanic to fix your car and he didn't know what he was doing, would you try to educate him about auto repair or would you fire his a** and find someone who is competent? It's different when you're the one paying.


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16 Jan 2008, 9:29 pm

wsmac, I concede point taken :D
But I'm not attracted to him, other than he is male and I am female. You were just distracted with the provocative lab coat and fishnet stockings. I'll need to find someone not as archaic. I am a rigorous researcher and I take this seriously. I know, in theory, most just do not care about science. I have a hard time understanding this way of being. Very distressing when a 'professional' operates by feelings, with him saying, 'Psychotherapy is more of an art.' I think not! Scary

polarity, This is where we exact our revenge on doctors who like their ego stroked. I'm not here to do this for them. I am rather mechanically inclinded and I like to disassemble things. Sometimes I have parts left over though. NTs are not exempt for my disassembly if and only if they need work. This doctor need not be a project for me. I might have parts left over to explain. Then what?

Inventor, maybe I'll erect a totem pole by his office. Like marking territory subliminally.

zendell, I will find another. I am running out of places to hide the bodies and there just aren't many in Alaska. I'll take wsmac's advice and see if the counselor he indicated is still alive.

I did ask my doctor last week how attached he is to his Sylvian in, "I think you would see things differently if you were autistic." Having a Sylvian Fissure is way overrated anyway.

<Sylvian Fissure envy> I function just fine without.

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16 Jan 2008, 9:51 pm

LabPet wrote:
wsmac, I concede point taken :D
But I'm not attracted to him, other than he is male and I am female. You were just distracted with the provocative lab coat and fishnet stockings.
:oops: so I have somewhat misconstrued the meaning of your relationship AND divulged my 'lab coat and fishnet stockings' fetish? :oops: how could I have been so obvious? :(

LabPet wrote:
I am running out of places to hide the bodies and there just aren't many in Alaska.

The problem is, you're not a biologist or geologist! You don't know all the good places out in the bush!

LabPet wrote:
I'll take wsmac's advice and see if the counselor he indicated is still alive.

GOSH! I hope he is still alive! Seriously! He was one heck of a good caller for the Contra Dances as well! A Quaker and generally all around nice guy! I don't know about his experience with AS, but he should be pretty well versed as to the medical folks around town.

The Contra Dances are usually held in the elementary school cafeteria, or at Alaskaland in the SquareDance building. I think it was a couple of times a month. Everyone will know him, from the dances anyway.
You should go... they're loads of fun... but then.. maybe not everyone's kind of fun :shrug:

Thanks for going easy on me there, Labpet! :wink:

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16 Jan 2008, 9:57 pm

LabPet wrote:
wsmac, I concede point taken :D
But I'm not attracted to him, other than he is male and I am female. You were just distracted with the provocative lab coat and fishnet stockings. I'll need to find someone not as archaic. I am a rigorous researcher and I take this seriously. I know, in theory, most just do not care about science. I have a hard time understanding this way of being. Very distressing when a 'professional' operates by feelings, with him saying, 'Psychotherapy is more of an art.' I think not! Scary

polarity, This is where we exact our revenge on doctors who like their ego stroked. I'm not here to do this for them. I am rather mechanically inclinded and I like to disassemble things. Sometimes I have parts left over though. NTs are not exempt for my disassembly if and only if they need work. This doctor need not be a project for me. I might have parts left over to explain. Then what?

Inventor, maybe I'll erect a totem pole by his office. Like marking territory subliminally.

zendell, I will find another. I am running out of places to hide the bodies and there just aren't many in Alaska. I'll take wsmac's advice and see if the counselor he indicated is still alive.

I did ask my doctor last week how attached he is to his Sylvian in, "I think you would see things differently if you were autistic." Having a Sylvian Fissure is way overrated anyway.

<Sylvian Fissure envy> I function just fine without.


I think you got the best part of the deal, and have nothing to envy.

A LOT of "scientists" AREN'T! They merely stay there to get money. YOU sound like someone that goes there to do work, and have fun, and gets paid for what you like. It is just a shame that we have to pay so much to support the idiots that just do it for the money and JUST DON'T CARE! :cry: :roll:


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16 Jan 2008, 10:06 pm

2ukenkerl wrote:


I think you got the best part of the deal, and have nothing to envy.

A LOT of "scientists" AREN'T! They merely stay there to get money. YOU sound like someone that goes there to do work, and have fun, and gets paid for what you like. It is just a shame that we have to pay so much to support the idiots that just do it for the money and JUST DON'T CARE! :cry: :roll:

I'm sure you knew this but I wanted to 'be sure'... she's still in university at the moment... but your words may describe her very well when she finishes and hits the road for the first job (or stays right where she's at and works?).

I think that saying 'A LOT' is a bit over generalizing. I also believe that many professionals start out with greater intentions, but, due to the jobs they wind up with and their own personal lives... those dreams and ambitions get worn away somewhat.
I've certainly seen this with medical doctors. They start out wanting to save humanity, but burdened by Medicare/Medical/other insurance red tape, expectations of the hospital administrators and boards, expectations of their own patients, etc. really does a job on people.

While I certainly have seen folks who seem to not have the 'right attitude' from the get-go, the majority I have been in contact with always start out with noble intentions but find out reality makes it hard to keep those intentions alive.

I hope that you weather everything just fine labpet and when you finish at UAF, you find a job with someone who helps to keep your passion(s) alive. :D

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16 Jan 2008, 10:07 pm

LabPet wrote:
wsmac.....You were just distracted with the provocative lab coat and fishnet stockings.

He's not the only one. The fetishes thread is likely to gain some new entries.

LabPet wrote:
polarity, This is where we exact our revenge on doctors who like their ego stroked. I'm not here to do this for them. I am rather mechanically inclinded and I like to disassemble things. Sometimes I have parts left over though. NTs are not exempt for my disassembly if and only if they need work. This doctor need not be a project for me. I might have parts left over to explain. Then what?

The accepted way to dispose of unneeded parts is to defenestrate them. I'm not sure about unneeded wholes though, and anyway, most doctors don't work in high enough buildings for throwing them out the window to be truly satisfying.


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16 Jan 2008, 11:21 pm

Encourage him to publish it... (i r smart... i get sarcasm)

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17 Jan 2008, 12:34 am

polarity wrote:
Wow, 1980. Wasn't that back when they were still locking autistic people up and classifying it alongside schizophrenia? (If I remember correctly the 'modern age' of autism treatment started in 1984, and has taken a long time to get where it is).

I was one of those people diagnosed as a schizophrenic - under the DSM-I. The DSM-II (1968) was really more of the same. The DSM-III came out in 1980. It was the first version to separate schizophrenia from autism.

Mark A. Foster, Ph.D. (retired tenured sociology professor)
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