jjstar wrote:
No Asperger isn't a get-out of jail card that one can ride and get cleared from all the negativity they created and go home scott free without ramifications. Karma accrues in all people at all times - every time. The mean spirit is there. The vindicitiveness, the one-man-up ship - to somehow counter the misery the AS has encountered in their life-time is apparent. What is also apparent is the seemingly - *what me worry* stance taken by those who claim AS as their cop-out. As if to say - *Ive got a disability - I can do whatever I want - and it's you who got the problem. How dare you consescend, be holier than thou and assume to know everything* because here - there's this study and this equation and the bitter plain FACTS that will PROVE that *I am a special human being who has been sorely discriminated against and now that I have a DIAGNOSES it's my FREE TICKET to screw humanity - so SCREW YOU!*.
OK - yeah. Uh huh. Right. Keep on taking those meds, keep on playing those video games, keep on posting to these forums, keep on giving the finger to humankind and put up your walls against Truth that's being said to you. Of course it's not vaccines, mercury, LCD, radiation, EMF, foods, drugs, environment, cold mothers. It's all a FLUKE in the guise of *genetics* which have ZERO to do with what your parents did, said and thought in their own lives. It's all a tragic happenstance. And there's no one to take responsibility. It's just another one of those things that are to be swallowed and chalked down to fate. And emerge from your hiding holes to attack those that harsh your mellow in that *comfort zone* of not having to look at yourselves and cop to who you are. Vindictive. And that's your karma. Your fate that you created and accepted as your journey here on the RIGHT PLANET - EARTH - where you belong in spite of your trolling attempts to claim otherwise. Get wise. Educated and stop your BS. You're as clear as the morning sky.
I think it's really cool that you can hold up that mirror and type at the same time.