stevechoi wrote:
Do you guys actually LIKE being an Aspie? Do you wish you were normal?
There are thousands of posts regarding Asperger. But I want to know, do you guys actually like being one? Or do you just like talking about it?
I don't mean any disrespect, I'm an Aspie myself. I know for sure it's not a good thing, because of the depression and anxiety that comes with it.
HOW do you know it isn't a good thing? I keep comparing AMD and INTEL but DANG IT if it isn't such a BEAUTIFUL comparison!
Recently, a guy, who clearly knows NOTHING about computers, but claims to, was surprised to see that I had an AMD based computer. He said he heard they were SLOWER! Through most of AMDs history with intel, they have done things like created chips that run at 1.53Ghz and given them names like 1800! WHY? Because the chip, in general, was SO much faster, that the AMD at 1.53Ghz ran like an intel chip at 1.8Ghz! BTW, to continue to show his ignorance, he said that my computer was MUCH faster than his, implying he believed it was the processors efficiency. He didn't even know how fast the clock was. Anyway, AMD IS slower in SOME things, though even THOSE might be faster if it is run at the same real clock speed.
So how is that similar to aspergers? BOTH are processors! BOTH can do the same things! BOTH appear better from different views. BOTH, if all things are given equal weight, might appear roughly equal. The AMD processor has a bit of a disadvantage because it is always trying to look something like an INTEL chip. INTEL is generally the winner because it was there first and has the biggest numbers. HECK, AMD has an A in it, and INTEL has an NT!
But, who knows. Most people NEVER really try to use their potential. I know I haven't. I am trying to do things now I never wanted to do before, but probably should have. I think EVERYONE has far more potential than they ever try to use, even most of those that test with pretty low IQs. Maybe those people, that feel AS is SO bad, haven't given themselves much of a chance.
Did you know that the average CPU only does ONE thing when it starts up? It simply goes to a location, and tries to run an instruction there. Under normal circumstances, it will then CRASH!
An IBM PC can do what it does ONLY because a little program called the BIOS is there and it runs the BDOS which then loads a program that loads a program that starts up the OS. If you pull out that ONE chip, the best computer will seem useful for nothing but a doorstop!
With people, that BDOS could be considered equivalent to an initiative or drive. Even an NT without one would seem like an idiot.