riverotter wrote:
This reminds me of a time I had a physical with a new doctor. I was in my early twenties at the time. She asked me what type of birth control I used. I told her "None." Then she went on this tirade about how I should be using birth control, and never gave me a chance to tell her that I was a virgin.
I came down with shingles in my late 20s. The doctor I saw started looking for reasons that my immune system might have been weakened, and asked if it were possible that I might have HIV. I told her no. She paused and gave me a blank expression that felt like she didn't believe me - that she thought I was in denial. But it was truly impossible for me to have HIV - I'd never had a blood transfusion, never done intraveneous drugs, and was a virgin. (The truth was that I'd had a respiratory infection a few weeks earlier, which probably did the weakening.)
Whenever I'm around people drinking, I try to avoid mentioning that I don't drink. When it happens, it always amuses me that the most-often response is: "That's cool!" accompanied by an attempt to sound sincere. I've gotten in the habit of responding with: "No, not really." Seems to take the edge off.
Having said that, I love watching people try to process the phrase: "I've never had a beer." Though, in fairness, it's a close second to: "I've never had a cup of coffee." Most people can't seem to process that one at all. It's completely unfathomable (though entirely true).