Asperger's Syndrome May Be the Root of Society's Ills

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12 Sep 2005, 10:18 am

I think Simon Baron Cohens comments about it being an extreme of the male brain is a load of crap. People with AS think completely differently, his logic is only comparing AS brains to the way NT's think. You're comparing apples and oranges.

eamonn wrote:
Thatrsdude. NeantHumain is a common troll. Id take anything he posts with a grain of salt.

Maybe you should've taken my comment with a grain of salt. :wink:

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12 Sep 2005, 10:37 am

NeantHumain wrote:
I am curious to know if everyone else thinks these women are as crazy as I think they are.

yep. mad as a bag of spoons. "extremists" doesn't go anywhere near far enough. bit of luck, they'll continue with the ludicrosity of their insane ramblings, and then no-one will take them seriously.


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12 Sep 2005, 10:40 am

jman wrote:
I've always hated feminists, their anti male views piss me off

i'm a feminist, jman, and i'm certainly not anti male.

unfortunately, the vociferous and extreme radical/separatist mob tend to get more media coverage (for various reasons) than we more realistic feminists, which means that many people have a skewed idea of what feminism and feminists are.


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12 Sep 2005, 10:47 am

Bad Men and Asperger's wrote:
As Simon Baron-Cohen has said, Asperger's represents the extreme male brain.

firstly, i would like to say that i disagree with Simon Baron-Cohen's theory on the extreme male brain. it doesn't make sense when there are so many females with AS. i admit that there are comparisons, but it is not an exact fit.

Bad Men and Asperger's wrote:
The shady salesman: Pursuing the sale, unconcerned with such matters as truth unless he will be caught in his fraud, the salesman will lie through his teeth to have his way. He callously perseverates on persuading customers to buy materialistic goods they do not really need.

to be a good salesman you need to have average to good social skills. when i ran my own business i was frequently approached by pushy salesmen who would try to take advantage of my passivity. and, yes, salesmen will lie to get their way- but since when has lying been a characteristic of AS?

Bad Men and Aspergers's wrote:
The hateful husband: Oh the abuses of woman by her husband's hand! Whether the man is only emotionally unavailable, working his day away to advance his career while neglecting his family, or scandalously abusive, a husband's flaws are man's natural autism seething through. Every woman who says, I do to her groom risks life and limb.

people who abuse others usually have advanced theory of mind. sadists ENJOY the emotional / physical responses that inflicting harm causes.

Bad Men and Asperger's wrote:
The common criminal: Feeling justified in exploiting everyone around him

again, social skills and theory of mind are required to exploit people- doesn't sound very aspie-ish to me. and what about AS characteristics such as vulnerabilty?

any chance you could find an e-mail address for FLF, neanthumain? i feel compelled to express my anger to my "sisters."


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12 Sep 2005, 10:52 am

jman wrote:
I've always hated feminists

if there was ever a reason for the Female Liberation Front to support these ridiculous ideas, you've probably just given it to them. well done.


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12 Sep 2005, 11:35 am

NeantHumain wrote:
This opinion piece is more than a little controversial and inflammatory, but perhaps it speaks for the majority, who is, nevertheless, less extreme. Are these anti-autistic prejudices (read anti-masculine prejudices) the source of maladjustment in people with Asperger's syndrome? Are these FLF women just ranting?

Yes, it is controversial. A Male forum making comparable sweeping generalisations about Women would be shot down for sexism.

I do not think they are the soource of maladjustment in people with AS/ASD. I do think the source of the opinions expressed are the maladjusted, histrionic emotional reactions of hysterical neurotics. Perhaps they did not get the attention they felt they deserved from their Fathers.

Yes, they are just ranting. They are also guilty of 'over-diagnosing' Autism/Asperger's; seeing it where it probably does not exist.

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12 Sep 2005, 11:46 am

Im a masculinist. The arch-enemy of feminists.


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12 Sep 2005, 12:10 pm

I think any radical feminists, like those who belong to FLF, are just women who aren't lucky with men, although I grant you that some of them are strictly lesbians.

All the radical feminists I encountered in college had, at their very cores, sad and painful tales of things men had done to them and they, for their own self-protection, decide to become "lesbians" or celebate. Once I got to know some of them, some of whom had been abused and cheated on, I could understand that their radicalism was entirely fear-based and not rooted in logic. I put lesbians in quotes, b/c I think a lot of them were making a conscious choice or were looking for intimacy anywhere they could get it and they couldn't trust men to give them what they needed.

I think I tend to have a more male brain that most women. It could explain why I usually have a lot of guy friends and very few girl friends. I don't think saying that AS is a male brain disorder is a value judgment, but an observation, anywho who really cares?

Who listens to those unresearched and lonely beatches anyway??? Well, I guess Neanthuman does. :?

I am specifically talking about radical feminists, such as the women mentioned in Op.



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12 Sep 2005, 1:24 pm

tallgirl wrote:
I think I tend to have a more male brain that most women. It could explain why I usually have a lot of guy friends and very few girl friends.

I read somewhere that aspies tend to be less gender stereotyped, i.e. aspie guys identify more with women than NT guys. (But that might be bunkum.)

I suppose the world is full of idiots. Here's another article blaming society's ills on AS. Not the one by Neanthumain, the one above that...

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12 Sep 2005, 3:28 pm

That article is filth, throw it away or use it for firewood. I'd rather torch myself than believe a word of this shi* about AS. Stupid extremists.


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12 Sep 2005, 4:51 pm

I think so too, we get enough problems because of ignorant and uninformed comments about us and we certainly don't need any more.

This kind of thing gives real feminists (ie people who wish to end discrimination against women but who don't want to treat men badly in order to achieve this) a bad name and also Aspies. It looks as if Baron-Cohen's comments have been taken quite out of context.

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12 Sep 2005, 4:57 pm

Wow, I never thought the birth of Einstein would be a cause of societys' ills, although one could argue that the A-bomb was a huge "ill," but Einstein was also an amazing humanitarian and regretted he ever shared his findings. What about DaVinci? What we know of his personality was that he was a total a**hole, but look at what he dreamt up, created and left our Western society with.

I think Aspies, like myself feel a lot of the same human emotions as everyone else. We feel anger, embarrassment, injustice, love, etc. We just process those emotions differently, therefore coming to a more often than not different conclusion than an NT. I feel anger, but instead of planning revenge or trying to suppress it, b/c I feel that is akin to lying, I throw it right in your face...Does that make me so bad? That I would let someone know exactly how I feel never occurred to me to be an abnormal thing to do. Supressing some emotions is a form of self-protection.

What about Mozart? I mean what would this world have if not for us Aspies? NTs certainly wouldn't have PCs (I recognize not everyone thinks that is G-d's gift), cool and practical/useful software programs, advances in medicine, etc., if not for us. Aspies, while not feeling constrained by the rest of society, have a certain ability to not set limitations of thought for themselves, which creates a whole bubble of inventive and sometimes life-saving ideas floating throughout our universe.

Can you imagine if all of society prescribed themselves to the Fraternity/Sorority mentality of NTs? On second thought, dont't, it's way too depressing.

I think those articles, as well the pervasive view of AS/autism being a bad thing, is fear based. It is hard to learn that there is a population that exists which is smarter and more creative than you are. I feel intellectually inept compared to a savant, however, being that I myself am considered gifted, I intellectually intimidate 98% of the population. In return, I can feel socially intimidated by the sorority slut who can talk to and get along with anyone. It's all relative.

In closing, here is my favorite quote from Einstein, which expresses the juxtaposition of AS (as it applies to me) and the rest of society:

My passionate interest in social justice and social repsonsibility has always stood in curious contrast to a marked lack of desire for direct association with men and women. Such isolation is sometimes bitter, but I do not regret being cut off from the understanding and sympathy of other men. I lose something by it, to be sure, but I am compensated for it in being rendered independent of the customs, opinions and prejudices of others, and am not tempted to rest my peace of mind upon such shifting foundations.



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12 Sep 2005, 7:40 pm

Neanthumain, I've got to see a link to believe this! :lol:
I vote that we aspies find out where they live and show them how "male" our brains are and knock them into submission. Or take this cue from the Koran.....

"And those you fear may be rebellious admonish; banish them to their couches, and beat them. " :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

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12 Sep 2005, 10:58 pm


Seriously, this is BS. The traits of the character types mentioned are voluntary, or inherent in human nature. Greed can drive a man for profit as my perseveration of the month drives me for whatever it is I'm collecting. Oh, and I don't think NeantHuman really believes this, he was just a bit indiscreet in showing it. And he needs to cite his sources.

There's only been one AS politician I know of, anyways...

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12 Sep 2005, 11:06 pm

They probably wrote it as a joke.
The article is obviously trash, yet you let it affect you?

You know what trolling is? I think you do. :D


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12 Sep 2005, 11:20 pm

SineWave wrote:
They probably wrote it as a joke.
The article is obviously trash, yet you let it affect you?

You know what trolling is? I think you do. :D

No, I wasn't letting it affect me. That angry uppercase writing was just a joke. I know when to leave something obviously BS alone. And I know Neanthuman not to be a troll.