What I can do......
Bike riding
Drawing/Sculpting (When in art school, others said my style is similar to Michalangelo's)
Writing(As in composition, not penmanship)
What I've yet to do.....
Swimming (I can't even get myself to float)
Driving (failed the test.....in the parking lot! )
Skiing (Heck, I live in Memphis. L.A. gets more snow than we do)
Cartweels (I chicken out right before I flip over)
Things I do but suck at......
Math (Contrary to the myth that all Aspies are mathematical geniuses, I still count my fingers. I'm dyscalculiac, which is dislexic, but in math.)
Talking (My mind goes blank when looking for words to say and things come out distorted and jumbled)
Socializing (I'm way better than a year ago but still struggle)
Dancing (Undeniable proof not all black people can dance)
"There is difference and there is power. And who holds the power decides the meaning of the difference." --June Jordan