riverotter wrote:
Two more things:
Cell phone tweets. (Typical work scenario...Me: "What is tweeting?" everyone else: silence. Repeat for each tweet.)
Grocery store checkout, beep for each item scanned. Why? I have learned to position myself optimally so that the soundwaves have the least amplitude right by my ear. I don't care if the checker thinks I am weird and wiggly. I am weird and wiggly.
Having been a cashier at Wal*Mart I would have to agree on that beeping, but unfortunately it needs to be there, you learn to listen for it as you scan, that's how you know if you accidently scanned somrthing twice so you can fix it before the customer complains. However, there were a few lanes (like lane 7) that had a beep that vibrated the speaker a little everytime it was almost inperceptive ALMOST with my exeptional sensitivity to high pitched sounds I could definately hear it and it was irritating... also sometime other cashiers would turn the volume up really loud on a register because they are old and deaf, and then I would get on that lane and the volume was nearly enough to blow an ear drum...
-Bigfoot IS blurry, that's the problem. It's not the photographer?s
fault. He's a large, out-of-focus monster, and that's extra scary to me.
-If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to see it, do the other trees make fun of it?