hecate wrote:
as lowfreq50 wrote, the phrase i live my life by is "when in rome..." so when i come to this site (my only escape from it all) i like to be a bit cheeky about the NTs because it helps me release pent-up frustration.
Same here.
I spend 8 hours a day, 40 hours a week, for ghod knows how many years to come, in a workplace structured more for NTs than people like me. Then I run errands at places not designed for people like me. On top of all that, I have the joy
of sharing an office with someone who has a lot of the NT traits that have frustrated and/or confused me me throughout my life. She's definitely a "typical" neurotypical. I spend most of my waking hours trying to do as the Romans do, only to end up drained at the end of the day as a result.
Needless to say, I get more than a little frustrated, and I come here to speak my mind, not candy-coat what I have to say. I do enough of that during the day.
This isn't to say that all things NT are bad, but because they are outside our circle of understanding (as someone else posted here) it's bound to cause interpersonal friction and hard feelings.