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05 Mar 2008, 7:11 pm

*raises hand energetically*

Ooh, ooh! I am! I am!

For me it's mostly texture-based; I just can't eat foods with certain textures (ground beef, burgers, carrots, mashed potatoes, etc). There are also many other foods that I simply have not tried; vegetables and fruits are largely uncharted territory for me.

I have found that things generally taste as they smell: if something smells good, you'll probably like the taste, and vice-versa.


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05 Mar 2008, 7:35 pm

I hate:

eggs(or quiche or omelets) - I can not force myself to swallow eggs. I will gag.
meat, except chicken(or possibly tuna, but I haven't eaten tuna in years)
carrots, black-eyed peas, bell peppers
anything with a texture I dislike(most kinds of nuts, chick peas)
thin spaghetti or other slimy things
gelatin(and I avoid anything containing gelatin)
anything with a bad smell
anything that looks like it might taste bad
many canned foods, like tomatoes, which taste metallic

and probably many other things I have forgotten to list.

Last edited by matt on 05 Mar 2008, 11:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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05 Mar 2008, 8:13 pm

Social_Fantom wrote:
Oh yes, I am a picky eater, VERY picky

Same here, extremely picky!

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06 Mar 2008, 12:35 am

my son will not use any silverware and cannot eat any texture foods only eats finger foods he controls; dry cereal, french fries, nuggets,toast, pancakes,and carrots


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06 Mar 2008, 12:50 am

Oh yes. My parents can't stand it.

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06 Mar 2008, 1:21 am

I actually didn't think I was that picky until a few years ago, even though everyone's been telling me that my entire life. x3

Since moving onto a farm I've had a lot of trouble eating eggs, beef, pork/ham, and any other meat with the skin still on it. Not sure exactly why that is, but I can't even look at the stuff without feeling absolutely sick. :3

I also detest canned vegetables and spaghetti...mostly because of the sliminess. Things like grapes, tomatoes, oranges, etc. that kind of explode in your mouth freak me out. I like my food as bland as possible (no spices, flavouring), and for whatever reason it always has to be with ketchup. I'm a ketchup fiend. 8O


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06 Mar 2008, 1:26 am

I'm extremely picky - I eat no vegetables unless it's a soup, no fruits, do'nt like fish, i always need potatoes (or fries) with my meat, i don't eat eggs, cheese, ham, bacon, i hate breakfast and cold meals in general. I'm also a picky drinker, I only drink water.

I usually never try new things.

My mom says I wasn't picky when I was a baby (except for fruit). One day I refused to eat something and started being picky from that day on. It's weird but I don't really remember as I was 2 or 3 at that time. :P


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06 Mar 2008, 2:03 am

Eneujel wrote:
My mom says I wasn't picky when I was a baby (except for fruit). One day I refused to eat something and started being picky from that day on. It's weird but I don't really remember as I was 2 or 3 at that time. :P

Me, too.
From what I've been told, I ate "normally" until (as they recall it) one day (when I was 2 yrs. old), my parents were fighting-then I threw my food (which got their attention, I guess ?) and that incident was supposedly the beginning/origin of my lifelong food "problem". Whether it's valid memory connection/conclusion, I haven't a clue-don't remember ever being any different than how I am.
Despite that piece of family lore, I don't believe my reactions to food are at all psychological/interpersonal-it's about the physical, visceral, sensory experience. No one knew what to call my behavior (extremely narrow, inflexible tastes), so I got blamed, guilt-tripped, threatened, and punished.

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06 Mar 2008, 4:23 am

Zonder wrote:
Jeyradan wrote:
No slimy vegetables (eggplant, cooked tomatoes, etc.). Except for cooked spinach (but I haven't tried that since I was a child).
No eggs that are not completely cooked (either scrambled and thoroughly cooked, hard-boiled, or over easy).
Nothing too fatty; and yes, I can taste that and it's gross.
If I try, I will be sick.

Dude, I should have just copied your message. If I had been allowed not to eat things, what you mentioned are what I wouldn't have eaten.


Me too. XD Slimy vegetables are the absolute bane of my existence. I don't eat eggs at all any more, unless they're mixed with something.

I didn't used to be too bad until I left home though. There were stuff that I didn't like that I'd choke down, but also, I'm vegetarian (like my mother, although she eats fish too, for which there is a name that I can't spell), so I more or less got to pick my own meals because all the brats would be eating their meat.

Since I've got to uni, I think I've had two meals that aren't pasta, tortellini, pizza, baked beans or tomato soup. I really hate eating out as well.

I would be the laziest girl in the world, but it's too much effort.


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06 Mar 2008, 5:15 am

I'm a VERY picky eater- I won't touch most fruits or veggies with a ten foot pole...and usually in MOST cases, I prefer most foods without ketchup or stuff like that. I insist on eating turkey PLAIN.

I'm also a "burger aficionado"- when I go to a restaurant, it's the first thing I always want- it gives me, somehow, some idea of how the rest of their food usually is. There ARE a few cases when it doesn't work out that way( like where I work, for instance)- but for the most part, the burger is the indicator.

And when people say to me "try something different- just to be adventurous", I'm like "I don't do things for the sake of doing them- I have an agenda; it's part of who I am" :)


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06 Mar 2008, 8:53 am

I, too, have always been a picky eater.


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06 Mar 2008, 8:56 am

I am picky. Once we went to Wendies and I ordered a hamburger with no cheese, and with tomatoe, pickle and ketchup. So I got a sandwich with cheese and everything in insane proportions. I almost got sick trying to eat it, but I was so hungry.

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06 Mar 2008, 9:16 am

is exactly the same! She put food in her mouth takes a breath whilst it is in there and then decides whether she likes it. She will not use a cup, fork/spoon when anyone else has eaten/drank from it because she says she doesn't want their germs (this is even when it's me and my Mum/Dad) but she isn't usually worried about germs. If she had soemthing once and didn't like it she will never ever eat it again...


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06 Mar 2008, 9:43 am

Don't eat:
anything off a pig. ( Ham/Pork/etc)
home-made mashed potatoes ( been getting better though, have to remash them with fork for 15 min to get them to be edible.)
any cooked vegis
most fish ( Tuna and Salmon are okay)
most seafood
most Chinese food

Do Eat:
Beef/Steak ( no fat on the steak though, gross)
Potatoes (raw minus the skin=yum)
Instant Mashed Potatoes

I still don't eat reheated microwaved food. Though i can eat food prepared via microwave ( Soup,raviolis,Mac and Cheese,etc).

Last Christmas my mom pointed out that my cousin ( PDD-NOS) and I both ate pre-prepared meals instead of the dinner everyone else was having.


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06 Mar 2008, 10:56 am

That's funny, I love trying something new. The rest of my family want eat the same thing which is something out of a fast food place. I love all kinds of ethnic foods. Love lebanese food. It's so different.

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06 Mar 2008, 3:41 pm

I'm picky about texture more than I am about flavor. I generally don't try new food especially if I don't belive I'll like the texture (like I've never tried salad because I don't think I would like chewing lettuce). Bad texture is enough to ruin my appetite while eating something, it doesn't matter how hungry I am. So yeah, I guess you could say I'm a picky eater.


-Bigfoot IS blurry, that's the problem. It's not the photographer?s
fault. He's a large, out-of-focus monster, and that's extra scary to me.

-If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to see it, do the other trees make fun of it?