Rainstorm5 wrote:
Like another poster on this thread said, though, my opinions usually turn out to be the correct course of action, and things usually happen exactly as I said they would. Not all the time, of course, but often enough that I feel I should be given credit for excellent foresight, if nothing else. Do I get any respect? Nope. One thing I have learned over the years, though, if I play 'stupid' and give vapid replies to rhetorical questions, people seem to like me a little more. When people ask how your day was, trust me, they really don't want to know.
That's my experience too. Ever since I've become purposefully boring in conversation, I get along better with people. I believe our opinions are disregarded
precisely because they have too much truth in them and people want a quick fix and a lie-to-me solution. They try not to hear us
precisely because we have excellent foresight, being as we are logical rather than pack thinking oriented. I used to think it might be my gender, my height, etc. but I know quite a few under 5 feet women who control the environment around them and people do as they say - they're the leaders of their packs.
So-called white lies are like fake jewelry. Adorn yourself with them if you must, but expect to look cheap to a connoisseur.