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09 Mar 2008, 2:34 pm

i dont Know, my grandfather might have it because he does have some traits of it but it is unknown whether he actually has it. so it might skip generations. My parents don't have it, neither does my sister or my half- brother.
My 9 year old cousin was recently diagnosed with ADHD, which may or may not be related.


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09 Mar 2008, 3:07 pm

9CatMom wrote:
Yes, there is a strong genetic component. In my case, however, I think I am the only one in the family with the traits of AS.

Hand me down genes topic

I believe AS is random, and there are recessive and dominant genes. How these combine, mix, shift, and mutate is yet to be discovered/ascertained. Of course, there is more likelihood of AS being manifested when a parent has the traits.

I have reasoned, correctly I hope, that both parents have to have each at least one piece of the puzzle in order for it to show up in a child. Then there may be other factors, in utero, like temperature, for these puzzle pieces to fit together. I do not blame illnesses, alcohol, or even drugs for someone who is born Autistic. These teratogenics cause other problems, such as deafnesses, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and being born addicted. And the vaccine controversy, I hope, will soon be like the ether/aura (pun intended) theories.

Someone also wrote that AS is not even neurological. I take this to mean there is no smoking neuron so when a MRI or CT scan is done there are no lesions or residue indicating AS. This is very interesting. Phrenology was shown long ago to be useless.

Though I am on the edge of my seat, wanting to see this matter closed now, we will have to be patient while the search continues.

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09 Mar 2008, 3:30 pm

As far as we know, there is a genetic factor.

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09 Mar 2008, 4:24 pm

Autistic traits very obviously run in my mom's side of the family (ironically, my mom herself is very NT, though an introverted NT) I have a great-aunt who I suspect is an aspie and I have an LFA aunt. Personality types common among aspies (INTJ, INFJ, ISTJ, ISFJ, INTP) are also very unusually common among NTs in my mom's side of my family.

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09 Mar 2008, 5:59 pm

Danielismyname wrote:
I was talking to a psychologist who told me that it's usually passed on from the father, albeit in a more severe form. The father shows traits, but they aren't severe enough to warrant a "disorder" label. In addition, sometimes, the traits they have are endearing qualities, as they don't display the many negative symptoms that are so often disabling for those with an ASD.
Interesting, as I think my father either is a sociopath or has AS and maybe ODD or something that explains him abandoning me. If that's so, I can blame him for my Aspergers :P He made it worse anyways, so it doesn't matter if he's the cause or not
Just be a good father, and it won't matter much whether your kid has Aspergers or not.


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09 Mar 2008, 6:04 pm

TheDoctor82 wrote:
My girlfriend posed this question to me- I'm already under the belief that she's on the same page with me, and thinks that I'm the one for her( yes, I think she's the one for me, too).

So, can it be passed down genetically?

Don't know about the lack of adaptability that currently earns an AS diagnosis, but autism is certainly down to genotype.


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09 Mar 2008, 7:47 pm

It's definitely Genetic but the comorbids (side-servings of other conditions like OCD, ADD etc) vary considerably.

I'm not sure if you should say that to your girlfriend though, she might leave if she's got hangups over genetic superiority.


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10 Mar 2008, 12:46 am

psych wrote:
My guess is that its a heritary predisposition, but with environmental triggers.

The genetic component could be personality traits (the 'good' stuff), but also an increased susceptability to neurotoxic damge from the many industrial & domestic poisons that have taken over the world since the industrial revolution.

That would explain both the increase in ASDs & the massive variation in our disorders. For example, it could be something like this:

- hereditary factor + mercury amalgam = sensory processing disorders
- heriditary factor + high level of PFCs (teflon,scotchguard etc) = ADHD
- heriditary factor + high level of lead = face blindness


If im right then to lower the chances of passing on the 'bad' (disabling) traits you should detox yourselves before conception - amalgam removal, eliminate domestic sources of neurotoxins for a few years move out into the sticks and only eat organic food...

Hehe...thanks but I'm good. Nah, I just gotta explain to my girlfriend more about it; I see AS as more of a blessing in disguise than anything else- but it's something I will have to explain to my kids eventually; and thankfully, because of my experience, I'll be able to handle it better if they do wind up getting diagnosed with it. I can share my own experiences with them, and explain the things I've learned over time- I have a feeling they'll wind up having an even better handle on it- and head start- than I did.

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10 Mar 2008, 4:29 am

My father has AS traits. So I would say, yes there is highly likely a genetic factor.


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10 Mar 2008, 4:38 am

My paternal grandmother has AS. Many of my relatives have ADD as well.

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10 Mar 2008, 5:59 am

It is genetic. No one way around that.
Considering that my family is full of both artists and scientists, I was due eventually. :P
AS isn't a bad thing at all though, it has quite a few benefits that balance the negatives despite what everyone says.


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10 Mar 2008, 7:32 am

Really, if you look closely, you can find certain autistic/aspie traits in most everyone. The issue really is the degree to which they are found.

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10 Mar 2008, 8:22 am

I have a lot of AS traits, but unsure if it's enough to actually be diagnosed as AS. My brother, I am certain has AS. He's never been evaluated, but with him it's very obvious. I have 3 kids, one NT, one PDD-NOS (high functioning, and will probably be classified as AS as an adult), and one child that's severely autistic.


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10 Mar 2008, 1:26 pm

One thing I don't understand is; why does it always has to be my father that must have been an aspie? My mother had a father too. So did my grandmother too by the way.
I always got along best with my grandpa, he adored me, I liked him and we got along well, because we both didn't like how grandma always was in a rush, being loud, making a fuss about everything.

I just don't understand why people always assume that my father must have been an aspie? For whatever silly reason, the professionals say that it must always be the father of the autistic person who must have been autistic himself. Is there a good valid reason for that statement I keep hearing?


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10 Mar 2008, 1:55 pm

I think its genetic as well, my brother has adhd diagnosis but def has some autistic traits. The rest of my fam history idk because i was adopted, but hes my half brother. I have just autism, and tourettes, my bf all NT, i told him the possiblities, he said doesnt matter either way, no matter what, we'll still love them the same, and all we care about is that their healthy! Its not a 100 percent chance your have a child on the spectrum, and just like somebody said, two nts can have a severely autistic, two aspies can have an nt, you really dont know until you try it out.

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10 Mar 2008, 3:06 pm

Sora wrote:
One thing I don't understand is; why does it always has to be my father that must have been an aspie? My mother had a father too.

It doesn't have to have come from your father. Someone is telling you rubbish.

I think that the really simplified answer is that men have XY chromosomes while women have XX.

This means that if you're a woman, and you have some bad X chromosomes, you have a backup. if you're male, there's no backup because Y is different to X. The same goes for the Y chromosomes. Hence men are more likely to be affected by genetic conditions than women.

That doesn't mean that women can't or won't carry these conditions and pass then down.

There's also a lot of chance factors involved, so I don't think you could say that you NEED both parents to be carriers for a female to be affected.

Like I said though, this is grossly simplified and the genetics experts at WP will almost certainly jump on this (ducks).