slowmutant wrote:
I'm taking Lithium, risperdal, siroquil sp? and a few others. They've been switched around a lot, and I don't deal with the actual prescription papers themselves. Would you believe that I've forgotten the names of the meds I'm on? I know that they are of assorted sizes, shapes and colours. I know I have to take them. But don't ask me what they are and which is which.
I take haldol and seroquel and have no such symptoms. It definitely slows thoughts down, but in my case I feel it also better organizes them so I can usually think clearer. My main problem is the drowsiness side-effect, which lasts hours after I've awaken.
Are you bipolar?
I'm not a doctor, but these meds may (as all meds may) cause psychological dependence...once you start to believe you
need them. My pdoc assured me that they don't cause any physical dependence.
Strange symptoms - are you sure they're due to the meds?
"Lightning is but a flicker of light, punctuated on all sides by darkness." - Loki