I may or may not be on the spectrum, but I have some traits which could be considered "spectrum" ones, and which I happen to be thankful and glad about (along with a bundle of negative traits which many would think of as "spectrum" ones as well):
I'm glad about being obsessive and having a drive to finish any task at hand, and to do it as perfectly as possible (it doesn't always work out, but when it does, there is a special sort of satisfaction coming with it). It does not apply only to my interests, either - there is a pleasure in performing well no matter what I happen to be doing, even if it is something I don't specifically enjoy.
I'm glad about having my visual/intuitive thinking, and the way I will use imagery and metaphor extensively to explain concepts or emotions to myself. It makes me more creative when it comes to the visual arts or descriptive writing, and, of course, the creativity in turn brings a tremendous feeling of fulfillment.
I'm glad about being candid with my emotions and, to a large extent, incapable of hiding them (as well as unwilling to do this). In a sense, I'm also quite happy about the way I normally do not take on social masks and treat everyone in the same open, direct manner. There seems to be a special sense of genuineness to this; it makes the events in my life feel more significant, as well as providing me with a stronger sense of my own identity, even if it poses difficulties.
I'm glad about being generally quite sensitive, but avoiding drama, attention-seeking behavior and situations were people will create problems that do not exist (such situations are painful because they overload me emotionally). Sometimes I am also not troubled when I stay unemotional in situations where everyone else will be reacting - it occasionally helps me keep a cool head where this is needed, and it also serves to protect me from things that may have completely broken me down otherwise.
I'm glad about feeling animals' pain keenly and having this special sort of affinity with them. Keeping animals (especially cats, but not only them ) and being able to form relationships with them is an enormous pleasure. They give off an immense amount of warmth, and they do it freely, without trying to build any barriers between themselves and me, the way many people will do. Besides, I just - love - animals.
I'm glad I do not have an urge to emphasize my external looks and dress in simple, modest clothing that is not too eye-catching. Frankly, it's difficult to imagine what it feels like to be completely preoccupied with looks; then I probably wouldn't be able to work as efficiently as I do, or to concentrate on a creative activity, because my thoughts would be centered around what I look like and/or how others see me. I'd rather devote some extra time to my favorite job than spend a good part of the day shopping for clothes, having my fingernails painted, taking solar baths etc. Where sexuality is concerned, exposing myself also runs contrary to my values, so I am thankful for not having to struggle with an additional temptation.
I'm glad about placing emphasis on deeper emotional relationships, rather than superficial acquaintanceship or relationships that are primarily sexual; the same could be said about preferring actual communication to mere talk.
None of these traits are exclusive to ASDs, however. The first is an obsessive-compulsive personality trait; the second is something that up to 60 percent of the population may share (or at least those of them who are artists, if the creativity is also to be taken into account); the third is mostly an emotive/labile personality trait; the fourth is a sensitive personality trait, possibly schizoid as well; the fifth is something many non-autistic people share, especially those with sensitive or emotive personaliies; the sixth is, again, quite common for certain personality types, like obsessive-compulsive and sensitive personalities; the last ones are traits that are pretty much common for all introverts.