AS adults
Anemone wrote:
Actually, if they want to reduce isolation in autistic adults, they should increase welfare rates so we actually have enough money to get through the month and maybe have a bit leftover to go out and do things socially. If I had money I could take a choir class or acting class or something and that would be less isolating. As it is now in many English-speaking countries disabled people on welfare are kept short of funds in order to encourage them to find work in spite of being considered "not expected to work" (Australia an exception, from what I'm told).
In the UK these days anyone who can so much as move is now expected to work. This does not put any obligation upon employers however - you can still put an employer completely off any thought of employing you if you mention AS. Having said that, the people who employ me are getting used to the idea, and I'm setting out to show we can be very useful as an asset. Speaking personally I'd rather work than not - I get more money that way. But one is lucky in work not to come across a "self-centred piece of s**t" as the person who's been bullying me was described by an NT recently.