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17 Mar 2008, 8:33 pm

I have the strength of a hundred men and x-ray vision.

No, wait, I got those from the radioactive spider bite.

The spider also gave me six more legs. ;)

Still looking for my antidiluvian baby


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17 Mar 2008, 8:44 pm

werbert wrote:
I have the strength of a hundred men and x-ray vision.

No, wait, I got those from the radioactive spider bite.

The spider also gave me six more legs. ;)
lol :D Aspie Spydieman :D

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Snowy Owl

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17 Mar 2008, 8:46 pm

I do seem to remember useless information.

When I was at school I was able to rember and recall any ceefax or teletext page numbers (individual pages as opposed to general groupings) on BBC1 or 2 or ITV. I use the internet now (and rarely watch TV at home), and they have all been updated since then, so I have lost some of this ability now.


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17 Mar 2008, 9:09 pm

Does procrastinating count?

Oh, how about using proper capitalization and grammar when typing online? I notice most posters in this thread have done so, but in other places it tends to be rare.

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Pileated woodpecker

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17 Mar 2008, 9:12 pm

I'm told that I'm good at calming agitated animals including human babies. I'm not sure what it is that I do, but they seem to tell me without words what's bothering them and what they need.


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17 Mar 2008, 9:33 pm

I can learn to play songs on the piano without sheet music. They're admittedly simple songs, compared to stuff other people can play. I mostly pick up songs from movies, church, video games, and stuff I remember hearing in elementary school music class.

Here's a list:

Colors of the Wind
Dreams To Dream
Pachelbel Canon
Amazing Grace
You Are Mine
Silent Night
Theme to Masterpiece Theater
I'd Like To Teach The World To Sing
Saria's Song
John Kanaka
Cape Cod Girls


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17 Mar 2008, 10:02 pm

Echolalia, where i can repeat voices, animals and songs. Who knows, your friend may have a good singing voice or pitch as well. I can sing and play a few instruments, as well as find pitch and playing by ear and reading music.

Lots of aspies have a way with animals and babies.
Excellent problem solving skills.


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17 Mar 2008, 10:09 pm

dawndeleon wrote:
Lots of aspies have a way with animals and babies.

I do okay with animals but get confused around babies and little kids. My mothering instinct just isn't there, and my parents know this. Is this related to AS or something else?


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17 Mar 2008, 10:23 pm

I have this awesome ability to fail everything "normal" I try
I have a verbal IQ of 78; way cool, dude
I have this awesomely cool skill of becoming totally mute to the only person I can talk to as I run away from the massively "overcrowded" store (more than one person and I'm melting)
I have the super cool ability to constantly feel painfully high levels of anxiety every second that no sedative can calm


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17 Mar 2008, 10:32 pm

I have very good writing skills.

I have very good speaking skills, as long as it is a topic I know a lot about and I have a social script for presenting the information.

I have an uncanny ability to recall numerical information (dates, birthdates, phone numbers, lock combinations from ten years ago, etc.)

I've been called a walking medical book because I never forget anything I read about health science, medicine or medications and drug therapies and their side effects.

And recently I've learned I have the capacity to learn sign language very rapidly.

Curiosity is not a mental illness.
Homeschooling Aspie mom of 2 kiddos on the Spectrum.


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17 Mar 2008, 10:45 pm

I'm not amazing in any way - I'm a fast reader, and I can retain lots of random information about things of interest (or sometimes not). I am very good at trivia in relation to pop culture - I could be good at other trivia if I put more effort into it because I retain a lot when I try. I always do very well on standardized tests if I've prepared - I'm very good with grammar and critical reading.


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17 Mar 2008, 10:49 pm

Here are some of mine....

Guess correctly an automobile's make, model, and engine type by just listening to the sound it makes, and even tell if they are malfunctioning, and what the malfunction is. I can also do the same thing with appliances

The same with audio systems...hearing distortion and being able to adjust it out and tune the system for good sound quality

Function in little to no ambient light as easily as most people can in fully lit locations

perform random mathematical calculations on just about anything that can be applied with numbers (hmm, okay, the train holds 100 people and goes many watts does it use)

Look at a printed circuit board and draw a functional schematic of the circuit

photographic and audiable record of most of the environments I've been in like a VCR recording (room color, lighting, furniture, objects on ceiling, plants & vegetation present, asphalt type, are among the many things)

Excellent written communicator (but terrible verbal communicator)


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17 Mar 2008, 11:01 pm

I have the ability to understand and learn practically anything, without limit. Mechanics are my main interest though. From a simple lawnmower, to the space shuttle, to the big-bang theory, all these processes come naturally to me. It's almost common sense. My brain is wired to automatically recognize ,why and how, things work, and find explanations for just about anything imaginable. If I am interested in something, it makes it that much easier to understand, but I often learn things unintentionally, by exposure. My only problem, is that I have trouble shutting down, when it's time to relax or sleep. Like spider-man said, "my gift is my curse". I'm willing to live with that. :)

Those who speak, don't know.

Those who know, don't speak.

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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18 Mar 2008, 2:00 am

I've got uncanny abilities with computers, particularly at low level. I got a distinction on my assembler assignment in 45 minutes whereas everyone else struggled to get a pass given hours.

I can read text upside down, inside out or both faster than most people can read text that's the right way up. (I think that may be unrelated though)

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18 Mar 2008, 2:01 am

I have a pretty good memory which allows me to compare and assess new information and situations. I'm also pretty good with math but probably not at the same level as some others here. I can calculate unknown radii to bend perfectly concentric bends of rigid conduit better than members of my local that have over twice my time(10 years) in the field. I have never failed to perfectly match an old existing offset, even if it was done to non standard specs. There are other areas of my trade that I need more work on, but I have nailed every type of skills test that I have been given.


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18 Mar 2008, 9:25 am

I see patterns in multiple choice tests to such a degree that I've never scored less than 99% on one (or in the top 1% of 1% if applicable). I've done it when I don't even know the subject matter. You name the standardized test... I've taken it... sometimes more than once.

I can also do differential equations in my head to the 4th degree. It's gotten a bit more difficult with age and lack of use but I can still do it. :)

When in trouble or in doubt; run in circles scream and shout.