Accommodations for University students??

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University Education?
Piece of cake! 15%  15%  [ 6 ]
Had some difficulty 44%  44%  [ 17 ]
A struggle, but I'll get through it 36%  36%  [ 14 ]
Tried, but had to surrender 5%  5%  [ 2 ]
Didn't even consider that nightmare! 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
What's University? 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Total votes : 39


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08 Jun 2017, 5:31 pm

I'm bumping this thread as years have passed since the last posts, and I think that there has been progress during that time, and would be interested in hearing about recent experiences to see how they compare to the past reports here. (We don't often gauge progress on WP, it might be useful).

This is a University of Auckland statement addressed to actual or intending AS students now:

(I can't get a link to work, but the document comes up if you Google: "Support for Aspergers students University of Auckland")

No such document existed in the past, which shows progress, and it seems to have been written with respect for AS people in a realistic rather than stigmatising way.

If you are an AS student there, I'd like to hear of your experiences in the current climate. Would also like to hear if other universities around the world have moved in the same direction, documenting a willingness to support.