SilverProteus wrote:
What do people do in these meetings anyway?
Depends on which group is meeting. When I was in Mensa down in San Diego, I used to hang out a lot with the Pseudo-Cynics SIG (Special Interest Group), because they were having the most fun. In February, they held the Make HIM Sleep On the Wet Spot Party. July meant it was time for the Let's Rejoin the British Party. In September was the Back-To-School Beer and Cheese Tasting. And December was the White Elephant Party (everyone had to bring the most useless Christmas gift they could think of - the person who got the purple fish-shaped dish had to host the next year's party. There was also a competition to decorate the dead tree with the ugliest, kitschiest ornaments possible. The last one I attended, the winning ornament was a mummified fish, with a Santa hat glued on).
They also held the best Hanukkah party I've ever been to, and the only one that featured a large ham. (The hostess wasn't exactly Orthodox.) I had the dubious honor of helping out in the filthy-Scrabble game - I had to define a term for someone. (Let's just say it was semi-obscure slang for a certain bit of female anatomy, and leave it at that.)
One of the things I liked about it was, if you needed to take a moment to yourself because the presence of others was becoming overwhelming, you could. Usually, at some point, someone would come make sure you were okay - but if you told them you were, they'd take that for an answer, and leave you alone.
Sodium is a metal that reacts explosively when exposed to water. Chlorine is a gas that'll kill you dead in moments. Together they make my fries taste good.