Voted for "used to". Am a female, BTW.
Strictly speaking, have only had it done once, went to a hair place & had them do that flat-top buzz cut thing. It was 1992, I was 19 & it was just before I took a long bus trip, so was very convenient. Had been keeping my hair short & shaving the underside/lower half for a couple years, so was already halfway there.
Loosely speaking, I continuously had the underside/section shaved for several years (since early 1990's), while growing the top parts out. Loved the soft, fuzzy feeling when it had just been done-though loathed dealing with the electric clippers myself (plus the noise). Got to be too much hassle, also I was bored with it, so in 2000 (in my late 20's) I stopped-have been letting it all grow since then.
One thing I hadn't anticipated (or had forgotten about) was how painful it is when wisps of hair (that have some length to them) get snagged/tangled/pulled at nape of neck-that part was always shaved. Ouch !
Surprisingly, got more nasty comments (from total strangers just hollering at me out of the blue) when I had a bit of hair length hanging over shaved lower half of scalp than while I had the "complete" version (all same length-maybe an inch or two). Perhaps people perceived former as hairstyle choice (meaning "deviant to yell at", to them ?) and latter as "maybe she's sick and lost her hair, or had to shave her head for some involuntary reason" ? Bizarre, that people react so intensely, negatively, and publicly-about this, of all things!
Sora wrote:
How many girls here go bald?
Have gotten (since I hit my 30's) bald spots on my head before, though not for any obvious reason. Each time, the hair would grow back after few months & stick out all funny from rest of my hair, due to short length.
*"I don't know what it is, but I know what it isn't."*
Last edited by Belfast on 27 Mar 2008, 3:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.