Well, MY name on it's face is not humiliating, etc.... at ALL! It SOUNDs like a product that has helped this world a LOT, and the world would have been very different without it. AGAIN, NOTHING humiliating. They STILL found a way to tease me by associating its sound with a product associated with ANOTHER! YEAH, it was used in radios, dashboards, toys, some engine parts, etc... Yet they STILL found a way.
BESIDES, AS is NOT pronounced ASS, and the association with BURGERS(and PERGERS is NOT pronounced that way) is just STUPID!
BESIDES, look at Mr. Crapper? Who would have thought that he would be associated with a product, that serves a good purpose, SO much that he would be so denigrated? GRANTED, the VERB supposedly started when he was 9, but the NOUN supposedly happened AFTER the invention. And what of "Sir John Harington"? Did the name John become associated in the same way? And I'll leave you to see the OTHER name so closely associated!
No matter what the name, it might later be associated with something bad. I don't THINK that is true of MY first name but WHO KNOWS!?!?