Photon wrote:
I intend to expoit this phenonomenon further. your last line REALLY made me laugh. It sounded like something an "uber-nerd" would say on television, about some little-known chemistry or physics truth he was exploiting and applying to real life.
Everything I see or do triggers memories, to the point that I'll miss what I'm
supposed to be doing because I'm thinking too much about what I
used to be doing in said location or situation. Locations, people, buildings, corners of roads, bars, restaurants, neighborhoods, smells, sounds, melodies, instruments, star mental photo rolodex is really getting quite ridiculous. I've even tried burning several pictures or written paragraphs in an effort to rid myself of certain memories. It doesn't work...just gave me an extra memory about fire and stick piles.
In my line of work, I exploit this "skill" (or plague, if you prefer) on a regular basis.