I guess it all depends on the intention of the person, whether they're here to learn and join a community or stir up trouble.
NT's literally don't think the same way people with ASD's do. An NT friend of mine asked me what I thought of her sister and I told her that I thought her sister was frustrating and rude (she came to me to appeal the denial of a funding reimbursement request and lectured me about not contacting her when I had no way of knowing she was in charge because someone else signed the form only she was authorized to sign). My NT friend didn't care to hear that I found her sister irritating and rude. She didn't actually want to know what I felt, she wanted a vaguely happy answer.
I told her what I actually thought because I didn't realize I was supposed to exclude information she might find unpleasant (or that she would actually be upset by the information).
When you have a forum full of people who communicate like that and other people who don't, misunderstandings are bound to arise.