I find it easyier to just completely ignore them and live inside my bubble. I can literally ingore the presence of people, and act if they are not there. I'll probably say hi the first time, but unless if I haven't seen you for at least 2 or 3 hours, I won't even aknowledge your existance. Some people I aknoweldge at all costs; My manager and direct supervisor.
Everyone else doesn't matter in the big scheme of things for me, and it saves me a lot of stress to do it my way. I don't think they really mind that I ingore them unless they really try to get my attention, then which I will flash a really quick smile (smirk, really) and get the hell out of dodge.
Since it is second shift, and there are a lot of, ahh, interesting people, I can get away with a lot more than I could on first.
All your bass are belong to us.