knowmadic wrote:
"Why are you winking at me!?"
You ever hear that one? I get it all the time cause i sometimes close one eye to keep the light out if squinting both doesn't do the trick.
"Are you crying?"
As soon as i step out into the sunlight i notice my eyes start to water. Sometimes i can do discreet rapid-blinks to wipe away the tears before anyone notices, but sunglasses are my ultimate saviour.
I've never had someone say that to me, but I do both of those. I *NEED* sunglasses too, especially for driving (where I can't allow myself to be incapacitated by the sun!) My mom doesn't get it that I *NEED* them and has acted weird when I was completely panicked before work searching for them.
I prefer having a hat with a brim too (which is hard because my head is huge...I mean I don't look wierd or anything, but normal "one size fits all" hats just sort of sit on top of my families' heads). Even with sunglasses outdoors too much light can get around them without having a hat too.
Sort of weirdly, I need bright light on when I'm eating. If I don't have bright light I *HAVE* to turn on the lights (even if otherwise it's not dark enough to turn on the light's yet). It makes me REALLY uncomfortable to eat without bright enough light. I don't know why. (I joke that I'm afraid my food will attack me...which is almost how it feels).
My mom says my dad was the same way. She'd want to have this candlelit dinner and have everything set up, and he'd need to come in and turn the lights on full blast to eat.
Wonder if anyone else is like that or what the heck that is.
ArtisticAspie wrote:
I so have sensitivity to sunlight - but not so much as a child. It came about when I was in my late teens and has become progressively worse the more I age.
I think I was like that too. Got worse in my late teens. Thankfully it stopped getting progressively worse, and I can make it from my car to a store without my sunglasses or that sort of thing (hurts a bit, but I can do it).
I wear glasses too, and my hat is to help with the sunlight getting around the edges of sunglasses I guess.
My last two pairs of glasses came with built-in sunglasses. Like they're magnetic things that just easily attach to the top. I LOVE that design and will try to always get that since I need to use sunglasses multiple times a day.
...But it isn't just sunlight. I wear my shades when in the supermarket, and sometimes at the mall - the lights are so bright there that I have to. I receive a lot of stares but I don't care, it is better to be calm inside and wearing odd shades, than all aggravated because of the blinding light.
I even have computer monitors' brightness turned down.
Are you bothered by normal incandescent light bulbs? And what type of monitor do you have? Some stuff I've learned recently about florescent lighting:
-Besides containing mercury, it gives off ultra violet light, like the sun. It's supposedly not much, but I've read some English studies that show it does increase cancer risks just slightly, and some UV light does get out.
Florescent lights actually generate UV light as their primary thing. The UV light hits a coating on the inside of the glass that converts the UV to visible light-not not both UVA and UVB, and not absolutely 100% of it.
The locations you mentioned are all probably lit by florescent lights, and your computer monitor if it's LCD probably uses a florescent backlight (or if it's CRT that would be just as bad with shooting high energy junk at you).
There are a handful of LCD screens starting to come out that use LED lighting instead of florescent, which I assume doesn't produce much of anything but visible light. I assume they SHOULD be safer, and I wonder if they won't bother people with florescent sensitivities?
I'm also concerned by the law that's been passed in the U.S. and Australia banning normal incandescent bulbs. What effect is that going to have on people with these sensitivities, and on cancer rates for that matter?
I know I'm trying to shop for a laptop that has an LED backlight (there are very few models) to avoid florescent lights where ever I can. Unfortunately they're hardly available at all in full sized monitors or TVs (since it costs more the larger it is).