I get really confused when people complain about bullies and seem to overlook an obvious answer. I have held my tongue because I do not want to be seen as advocating violence. The world is what it is, that's pretty f***ing existentialist. So am I a sellout for figuring out how to make a decent wage? God (if there was one) knows I don't have much else to show for my life.
I think you have made a brilliant point (no I do not mean bashing people that you think are bullies!), more your last line, if you do sell out what do you have show for it.
That does not mean I do not understand you point - I have bullied people to fit in with the NT crowd, I have 'sold out' to make a descent living, I still drink too much to make myself feel 'normal'; but is this really what life is? After 50 years (and only discovering and being DX with AS last year) I now an going with Cockney Rebel's approach
I enjoy my genuine individuality
It is time I made some time to be the genuine me!