Odin wrote:
Just because there has been thought doesn't necessarily lead to the conclusion that there is a self doing the thinking.
I guess what counts as "self" is more a matter of semantics, but surely if there has been a thought, that proves
something exists.
I have near-constant monologues/dialogs(/trialogs?) in my head. It helps me organize my knowledge, find new connections, and figure out how to say things. The voices sometimes take the form of people I know or have seen on TV, but usually it's from a set of fictional characters I've made up. I think I'll write stories about them someday. And it's not just voices, I usually see pictures of them too. Facial expressions and body language are an important part of conversations (and frankly, I need practice with that part even if it
is all in my head.) They typically interact in their story setting, but usually in a situation somehow relevant to whatever is going on in my life. I usually consciously take one character and let the others talk for "themselves", meaning what they say depends on my intuitive understanding of their personality and their responses are largely unconscious on my part.
Willard wrote:
I think clearly, I think deeply, but I do not think quickly - thus, if I expect to have to confront someone in a situation that's likely to cause a disagreement, I practice the argument from every side repeatedly playing both parts, so I don't get blindsided with something I'm at a loss to respond to
Ditto. I still get blindsided sometimes though
And it's not just for arguments. I usually have to rehearse what I'm about to say in my head or I wont be able talk fluently (or even coherently.) I can give the illusion of neurotypical fluent speech if it's on a topic I've rehearsed to myself enough (even if it was a long time ago), so people are often surprised when I suddenly can't talk. Even people who know I have AS tend to forget sometimes and can't understand why I can't do some things when I seem to be so capable. I keep telling them I'm only pretending to be normal, that it's an illusion, a facade, and I can't keep it up all the time. But they still forget...
Everything's related if you look deep enough...