Sora wrote:
1% of the population is estimated to be autistic.
On WP we have some 18 000 members. (Not saying 18k are actually active.)
Now: How many women possible?
(Only concerning active members... WP could be all autistic women. To clear this up, didn't explain it fine earlier.)
The power of maths.
how exactly do they know who is a woman unless their username or they say so?
also,who said it's only just aspies on wrong planet?
there's users from all over the spectrum,users with ADHD as their main condition,and also NTs who have a connection to ASD in some way,the home page [] shows who the forum is designed for/used by.
Am think some of what the user said was right,ASDs of any sort [including classic and pddnos] can get messy by doctors being too quick to diagnose,some doctors do not do enough assessment or check for developmental history.
though AS is not completely different from autism,am have lived in res. homes with diagnosed aspies who were no different to auties,none of them were nerds,it will depend on how far along the person is on the spectrum.
>severely autistic.
>>the residential autist;
blogging from the view of an ex institutionalised autism/ID activist now in community care.
>>>help to keep bullying off our community,report it!