krex wrote:
I sometimes wonder if those of us who have learned how to surpress it are functioning at our optimal with all the energy it takes to not do it.
IQ: 141 stim constantly. If I tried to supress it, I'd be melting down every hour on the hour, like Ol' Faithful...
krex wrote:
but I am still working crap jobs and don't ever see myself being a CEO(insert adult job here), no matter how hard I worked at it.
This is precisely why AS should be classified as a SSI disability. I have worked very hard for 35 years, in fact often been fired because I was too busy working to socialize with the fat F*****rs who sat around on their asses all day laughing and goofing off. Fortunately, I always had my family to fall back on when I couldn't keep my financial head above water. Now, my parents are retired and living on a fixed income and my employment prospects are worse than ever. The career I spent 30 years in is technologically obsolete and I'm not trained or qualified for anything else. I seriously fear ending up in a homeless shelter, and eventually living under a bridge down by the river. It's great to hear that some Aspies are working for NASA, but that doesn't change the fact that some of us are rapidly losing any employability we ever had, with no 401K or pension to look forward to. That's what I get for being so obsessed with my career that I won high ratings and awards for years for employers who rewarded me with a few pennies more than minimum wage, and then a pink slip. Thanks Clear Channel, Thanks Cumulus, Thanks Citadel.