Shelby wrote:
I seem to move back and forth between Aspergers and "Just about normal." Sometimes socialising is a major struggle, other times not. Maybe one day instead of defining it by terms like Classic Autism and Aspergers, maybe we'll get a number or something. So like a headbanging handflapping autie would be a 1, while a highfunctioning, well spoken person who just about passes as normal might be 100. So then we could all get on here and compete for who has the best number. I can see it now..."Oh, you're a 89, you're almost NT. I'm 17, I'm more autistic than you...."
Yea, thats me as well. Makes it a bit harder to get a DX, though a good shrink can tell.
And LOL on the numbers! WP would so have a battle forum, don't ya think?