DevonB wrote:
However, my problem is that I'm okay making one huge pot of something and eating it for the whole week. That would drive my partner and kids crazy! Not's just so much simpler that way.
Oo, I couldn't do that! I live alone, and certain recipes can only be reduced to two servings; if so, I leave the uneaten half in the fridge for two days and eat something else in between. It's almost an OC thing with me.
I was quite passionate about cooking a few years ago, but now I've settled on a couple of dozen recipes. Frying up a nice piece of meat and fixing some suitable potatoes and veggies to go with it is my favourite. But even more than 'real' food, I love sandwiches! I'm a bit unimaginative with the sandwiches I fix myself, though; usually just one cold cut and a slice of cheese on top.
"If you're using half your concentration to look normal, then you're only half paying attention to whatever else you're doing." - Magneto in "X-Men: First Class"