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01 May 2008, 11:44 am

ADHD may be over dignosed but it is definately real


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01 May 2008, 11:52 am

Joeker wrote:
Are they technically allowed to do that? Create organizations as branch groups and then use them to spread such biased and faith-based messages? It seems pretty un-ethical to me.

Well, I guess that's why I'm writing letters, now isn't it? :roll:

Well, you could argue yes. Not quite the same, but the drug company Merck were recently caught in a major scientific fraud with members of staff posing as independent scientists from a university in order to put out false positive research about their products...

Full story here:

I have heard that ADHD is often over-diagnosed in order to push drugs like ritalin onto children, which in my opinion is true to an extent. I'm not saying there's no such thing as ADD/ADHD, but I am saying I've seen so many cases of kids with a diagnosis thrust on them simply for being inquisitive, nosy, restless... just generally being kids and wanting to explore everything... or for what are actually reactions to things in their diet. Take the foods they're reacting to away (I say foods, but generally it's chemical additives and things like free glutamates) and the behaviour calms down, without the use of drugs.

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01 May 2008, 11:59 am

mon dieu!! O_O (pardon my French xD) I think that report is utter garbage. But that's my opinion. :D

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01 May 2008, 3:17 pm

nightbender wrote:
first of all cchr happens to know whats it talking about. Most people who have been in the mental health system hate its guts.

The mental health system has guts? Oh, I'm taking this seriously as a source of factual information...even L Ron made more sense, and I laughed my way through Dyanetics - what a hoot! He believed that your entire life could be adversely affected by jokes the doctor told in the delivery room, and that all mothers secretly desire to abort their babies, and the babies sense this and become neurotic. So don't tell me Scientology doesn't believe in mental illness - Scientology IS a mental illness, thus they don't want anyone but themselves to treat it.

nightbender wrote:
There is no proof any mental illness acutally exists as a material thing.

Tell that to the victims of Son of Sam.

nightbender wrote:
behind every mental illness what you will find are histories of being abused, drug abuse, nutritional defeciencies, food allergies, toxic exposures, fungal infections, and undiagnosed chronic medical conditions.

I was never abused, didn't do drugs in the womb (my folks are fundamentalist Christians), have no food allergies, or fungal infections, or chronic anything, and work out and eat a nutrition concious diet every day. The pharmaceutical industry isn't making a dime off me, since there is no medication for AS, and I wouldn't take it if there was.

nightbender wrote:
You seem to have a severe problem with the concept of free speech.

Free speech is fine. Gullible conspiracy collectors rabidly spouting misinformation they've read somewhere, about subjects they barely comprehend and aren't qualified to comment on, yeah those bug the s**t out of me.

nightbender wrote:
You probaly have no problem with the concept of locking people up who havent commited a crime without a trial indeffinataly and violating their bodies with toxic body busting mind melting drugs.



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01 May 2008, 3:22 pm

Willard wrote:
even L Ron made more sense, and I laughed my way through Dyanetics - what a hoot! He believed

Self correction: L Ron Hubbard did not actually believe any of this. He clearly stated long before Scientology officially existed, his intent to make himself wealthy by creating an artificial religious cult to dupe the gullible out of their money.


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01 May 2008, 3:39 pm

If anyone is still unconvinced that this sort of thing is perfectly legal, take a look at Focus on the Family, who are faith-based and claim that homosexuality is a "disease" that can be "cured". They are more upfront about being Christian, but it's still pretty disgustinbeg. As far as I know, they haven't been accused of hate speech because of it.


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01 May 2008, 6:33 pm

Willard wrote:
Willard wrote:
even L Ron made more sense, and I laughed my way through Dyanetics - what a hoot! He believed

Self correction: L Ron Hubbard did not actually believe any of this. He clearly stated long before Scientology officially existed, his intent to make himself wealthy by creating an artificial religious cult to dupe the gullible out of their money.

And don't forget to win a bet with his other sci-fi novelist buddies.


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01 May 2008, 6:49 pm

Pithlet wrote:
Willard wrote:
Willard wrote:
even L Ron made more sense, and I laughed my way through Dyanetics - what a hoot! He believed

Self correction: L Ron Hubbard did not actually believe any of this. He clearly stated long before Scientology officially existed, his intent to make himself wealthy by creating an artificial religious cult to dupe the gullible out of their money.

And don't forget to win a bet with his other sci-fi novelist buddies.

They ALSO train some people to be police/psychiatrists/and lawyers ALL ROLLED UP into one! They call such behaviour ETHICS! They even have a BOOK on it. I wish I bought it when I was at the celebrity centre(Their MECCA! ). Anyway, one jerk actually pulled me up in front of the "ethics officer" for stating the truth, and I wasn't even a member! They try to brainwash you with courses, double talk, etc... and EVEN use "LIE DETECTORS"! !! ! Some scientologists may take umbrage at that claim saying they don't even have lie detectors, even though the scientologists ADVERTISE that they do **Under a DIFFERENT name**!

IRONIC, huh?


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01 May 2008, 7:03 pm

Joeker wrote:
Have you ever heard anything so outrageous!?

Have I heard of anything so true?
A lot of things that we attribute to learning disorders are just examples of children choosing to be lazy, disrespectful, and stupid.
Unfortunately we are suffering from a generation of overindulgent parents who are manipulated by their children into bullying their communities' schools into letting their children do and have everything they want.
Needless to say that the big, bad businesses (that everyone hates so much but buy products from anyway) have probably noticed this trend in behaviour and seek to exploit it just like everything else.

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01 May 2008, 7:17 pm

I had to write a paper for one of my classes about the amount of US children on medication a couple of weeks ago. I do believe that there are disorders out there that can be helped by medication, but sometimes, I wonder if we're over diagnosing it.

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01 May 2008, 7:27 pm

Yupa wrote:
Joeker wrote:
Have you ever heard anything so outrageous!?

Have I heard of anything so true?
A lot of things that we attribute to learning disorders are just examples of children choosing to be lazy, disrespectful, and stupid.
Unfortunately we are suffering from a generation of overindulgent parents who are manipulated by their children into bullying their communities' schools into letting their children do and have everything they want.
Needless to say that the big, bad businesses (that everyone hates so much but buy products from anyway) have probably noticed this trend in behaviour and seek to exploit it just like everything else.

You know, alot of people are starting to make these kind of sweeping generalizations about HF ASDs as well. Though I think this may be true to a degree in regards to ADD/ADHD, I think you're taking it a bit far here. You can't possibly know every individual that claims to have ADD and how it effects their life. Just because you've observed a pattern from a limited perspective doesn't mean this is absolutely true with everyone.

You're right about pharma companies exploiting people where they can, but they do this with real physiological conditions as well. But it's easier to tell a person they need antidepressants or their kid needs ritalin because you can't see depression or ADD. It doesn't mean these things don't exist just because Big Pharma wants to market it as being far more prevalent than they really may be, and their product the one and only solution.


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01 May 2008, 7:45 pm

ADD skeptics I know you're reading this:
To your left, you see a perfectly healthy Human brain. To your right, you see an ADD brain. Yay.

Armchair dipshits who think they are capable of refuting neurological disorders just because their gut tells them should do us all the favor of removing themselves from the gene pool. The ASD skeptics and the ADD skeptics are both in equal camps of dipshititude as far as I'm concerned. Most of the people I've run into who think they can refute ADD are ill educated intellectual midgits who are regurgitating an equally "trendy" opinion of which they are epically unqualified to hold.

I've known my share of people with hardcore ADD and it sure as hell wasn't pretty.


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01 May 2008, 8:15 pm

Yupa wrote:
Have I heard of anything so true?
A lot of things that we attribute to learning disorders are just examples of children choosing to be lazy, disrespectful, and stupid.
Unfortunately we are suffering from a generation of overindulgent parents who are manipulated by their children into bullying their communities' schools into letting their children do and have everything they want.
Needless to say that the big, bad businesses (that everyone hates so much but buy products from anyway) have probably noticed this trend in behaviour and seek to exploit it just like everything else.

BS, TOTAL BS. It's attitudes like yours that have made my life hell. It is rather sickening to be constantly accused of laziness or some other moral fault (or have my parents be accused of being bad parents) because of my sensory, motor, and attention issues.

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01 May 2008, 8:28 pm

twoshots wrote:
ADD skeptics I know you're reading this:
To your left, you see a perfectly healthy Human brain. To your right, you see an ADD brain. Yay.

Armchair dipshits who think they are capable of refuting neurological disorders just because their gut tells them should do us all the favor of removing themselves from the gene pool. The ASD skeptics and the ADD skeptics are both in equal camps of dipshititude as far as I'm concerned. Most of the people I've run into who think they can refute ADD are ill educated intellectual midgits who are regurgitating an equally "trendy" opinion of which they are epically unqualified to hold.

I've known my share of people with hardcore ADD and it sure as hell wasn't pretty.


Do you have to use such belittling words though? They make YOU look like less than I'm sure you are.


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01 May 2008, 11:34 pm

Well all conditions were "created" in a sense, by gathering various characteristics under the banner of a name. However, no condition that I can see has been created solely for commercial gain.

Treatment theories (i.e. chelation for ASDs), now that's an entirely different story.

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02 May 2008, 3:58 pm

xyzyxx wrote:

Whoa, that's a lot of front groups. And look at what they do! One of those groups claims that Interpol is made up of Nazis. Nazis? Haven't they ever heard of Godwin's Law?

Anemone, I'm diagnosed with Aspergers, and while I was in school, they referred to it as a learning disorder. I wonder if they do mention Autism... I know they said ADD and learning disabilities...
I hope that my letter to the CBC does raise a stink. I wasn't made AS, I never took any drugs to become AS, and I haven't seen any psychologists or psychiatrists since I was like, twelve. And I'm nineteen.

Zwerfbeerjte, those are businesses, corporations. Religions aren't corporate entities, are they?

nightbender, those are an awful lot of generalizations, accusations, and assumptions about the human mind.

Nomadic28, I agree with that comparison. I don't believe that the way I am is because I was made this way by some grand conspiracy to make me into a consumer of the mental health practice. As it stands, this is offensive, and it's being run through a cover group like the mafia launders money; Making religious beliefs look like they were founded in an unbiased enviroment, while bias is clear and obvious. Dishonest, and falsely representative. If they want to voice their beliefs, they are allowed to do it. But to voice their beliefs through a front to hide their involvement? Ridiculous!

LeKiwi, that does sound kind of similar... The CCHR is a group that is actively trying to influence public opinion about psychology that's being mirrored by the actual beliefs of Scientology. By making people believe, without actually using the church itself to spread these beliefs but fronts, they are making their religious beliefs look more like fate that they agree with the Church, rather than determining the same thing without being exposed to material from "independent" sources that makes them believe more than they would otherwise.
It's tailoring people into believing, and that they're subverting free will by making people want to choose based on thoughts and beliefs that the church inspired seperately from themselves...

faiuwle, if you were homosexual, would you spend your time looking for groups of people that think you're a sinner going straight to hell? I'd rather do something else than look for groups that mock me, but if I happen to stumble upon them... Boy, they're in for some hell.

2ukenkerl, watch out, their legal team is huge, and they've got other methods for dealing with SPs, like R2-45, and what they did to their other critics. Dead agenting, black PR, and some people who were considered SPs showed up dead under suspicious circumstances.

Yupa, overdiagnosing a disorder, that's one thing. Claiming that it was invented, that "evil psychologists" created it to line their pockets, and that it's writing off bad parenting as fact that it's created... That's entirely another. But the fact remains, ADD is NOT invented, it is REAL, and those with it need REAL help. I don't say it doesn't happen, but you need some perspective on what it would feel like to have ADD.

Batman1992, I wonder about that as well as many other people. I do believe there needs to be some more clear guidelines, so that children that don't have ADD aren't given drugs for which they have no need.

Wow, I should have kept on top of things, this post is pretty long...

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