VioletClementine wrote:
I'm gonna sound like a total geek here and make a totally obscure reference:
Sometimes I feel like a character in the computer game "the Sims 2". When a Sim doesn't get any social interaction for a long period of time, or if they perform a social interaction that other Sims perceive as inappropriate, the offending Sim's Social level will decrease. I feel as if, when I am alone for long periods of time, my Social Level will decrease rapidly and I'll be in danger of seeing the dreaded Social Bunny.
Um. I think that was seriously the most Aspie thing I've ever said.
I've thought exactly that! I also notice the conversation going through the same few topics over and over, and the silly gestures and weird intonation patterns in the background the whole time, and the people gaining and losing friendship points with each other.
I've commented on this mid-conversation a few times, and it's gotten me some of my strangest looks.. I guess it is odd to say that real life reminds me of something intended to simulate real life!
ha sometimes my bf and i will say" my social is low" if we"re lonely. things like that lol.