Drink limitations?
Well...kind of hard to say how much of my drink preferences have to do with Aspergers...
I won't drink anything diet. I've always hated things that were artificial, whether it be women with fake boobs or imitation wood...Idunno =D Not to mention, artificial sweeteners give me a headache, and they have that nasty metallic taste. High fructose corn syrup isn't quite as good as real sugar, but I'll still take a few empty calories over a brain tumor.
Three years ago I developed an allergy or just plain became over-sensitive to caffeine, so I try to avoid that as much as possible. Tea never really bothers me, so I don't know if it's just things that have had caffeine added artificially or what. Really sucks that most caffeinated sodas that have a caffeine-free alternative are also diet...my beloved Cherry Coke has become a rare occurance Though the caffeine amount is so low that I can usually drink one or two no problem, it always seems like the fountain pops affect me worse than pre-bottled. Dunno what's up with that.
As for not knowing what I want, my safety drinks are tea, Tahitian Treat, and Squirt. Cherry Coke used to be one, but as I'm trying to cut down, if I'm in a restaurant, I'll usually get something boring like Sprite or orange Or lately I'll just get water, since it's free.
Fruit juice, I love cranberry, apple, grapefruit, and orange pineapple. Can't stand orange juice if it has a pulp
Some other juices are okay...I hate how every time I go to buy cranberry juice, I have to read the ingredients to make sure it doesn't have other filler juices in it...chokeberrys, apples, blah...maybe some people don't taste the difference, but I do
The rare times that I do drink adult beverages, I stick with certain brands of beer. Everything else is too sour/bitter/sweet/gross...almost everything just tastes like rubbing alcohol to me. Not to mention, hard liquor makes me really weird...I get all cranky and whiney, and I'll keep going "I don't like this." until it wears off or until I get a little bit more inebriated. Never had that problem with beer, it just makes me goofier.
Although last St. Patty's day I had some butter shots...as long as it's cold, that stuff's pretty delicious I kept sipping them all night ;D Normally I think drinks that sweet are gross, but this was like liquid Life Savers.