How do you know that you are ambidextrous?

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Emu Egg
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16 Mar 2011, 11:12 pm

I'm a new member and this is my first post. I don´t know where to begin, but I desperately need some answers about myself. I knew all my life I was different, but allways thought that the ability to mirror write was weird. So I begun looking in the internet for information regarding mirror writing, and found out I was fully ambidextrous, After reading lots of information about the subject, I discovered I can write the same text in normal print (right hand) and mirror writing (left hand) at the same time. What I discovered is that I can handle both hands at the same time, just in different directions, like in a mirror, I can even shave with two razors at the same time. Does anyone know something about it´s meaning? Looking at all the other symptoms I have, I´m sure I have AS, but I think this is weird and must mean something.


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16 Mar 2011, 11:37 pm

I have always switched hands when writing. When one gets tired, I use the other. My mom only recently noticed this and assumed that I was right handed. She wants me to use the left hand so that she won't be the only lefty. lol

I throw with both hands. Both hands throw crooked...just crooked in different directions.

I peel potatos with both hands. Same as writing. Whichever is not tired.

I eat with both.

I play guitar both ways.

I don't have a dominent foot either. I skate either goofy mongo or normal mongo depending on...well i dont actually know what it depends on. I just know that I switch a lot.

I think I know. I don't think I know. I don't think I think I know. I don't think I think.


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17 Mar 2011, 8:13 am

I just know. I have clumsy hands and one is better at somethings and worse at others. I'd probably be a good pianist if I we had a piano.


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19 Mar 2011, 7:41 am

Tranky wrote:
I think this is weird and must mean something.

It simply means that you are at the upper extreme of human ability. Leonardo Da Vinci was able to write with both hands simultaneously.

Is your skill combined with any deficits? For instance, do you have any difficulties with either fine motor coordination, or in coordinating both hands in one task? If not, then look on it as one huge bonus.

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19 Mar 2011, 9:51 am

I'm Ambidextrous as well. It's interesting to see how other both-handed people have very different ways in which it manifests.

Foot/eye dominance seems not to be related.

I'm right-foot dominant, but I skate goofy and can only track stand on my bike with my left foot forward. In my case that seems to be split between strength/precision and balance.

I'm right-eye dominant. I think left eye dominance is exceedingly rare - not too sure.

I can write with both hands. Not simultaneously.
I can use either hand for using tools although I prefer on over the other for certain things - example: I like to hammer right and use screwdrivers and wrenches left. I can swap with ease though.
I can golf either way but prefer left.
I can play hockey either way but prefer right.
I play basketball right primarily. Can switch but my left is less skilled.
I throw right handed exclusively.
I bat either without any preference.

I've always thought of this as "preferential ambidextrous" - there are some who can use either hand for any task without preference - and i think that's somewhat rarer.


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19 Mar 2011, 10:57 am

@TOAOEddieD - I can skateboard either way, too! I hadn't thought about that in so long! :)

I tend to do certain things with either hand, like wash dishes or put on lotion, etc. with my left hand. I prefer to write numbers with my left hand. I can draw or write with either hand. Sometimes one hand's writing habits will influence the other's. Like my left hand started to do b's a certain way and soon after my right hand followed suit.

I can do that mirror writing thing, too. I thought everyone could do that if they just tried. Maybe I am mistaken.


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19 Mar 2011, 11:24 am

when you wipe your arse right handed.



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19 Mar 2011, 11:33 am

Years ago, I discovered that I could start an IV on someone using either hand in any position. First time, I was upside down in a ditch in a crashed car and had to lay on my back to get to the patient's arm. Popped it right in. I've done that many times since then.

Tufted Titmouse
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19 Mar 2011, 11:37 am

My husband John uses different hands for different things... basically it comes down to small motor skills versus gross motor. He writes with his left hand but uses his right hand for gross-motor things like using a hammer. He says that when he was a kid, his hands wouldn't move separately: they always made mirror-image movements, and if one crossed over the midpoint, he couldn't tell where it was anymore. (Maybe this has something to do with that article about how autistics have some difference involving the connection between the right and left halves of the brain?)

John and I are both diagnosed with Asperger's. I'm fully right-handed, but we're both left-right challenged when it comes to thinking about the directions. When someone says "Turn left," it takes us a moment to figure out which direction that is. Also, I never notice what hand someone is using unless I have some specific reason to look for it. I can know people for years and never notice whether they're right-or left-handed unless they mention it.

Erika Hammerschmidt:
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19 Mar 2011, 11:43 am

I eat with my right hand, and I write with my right hand. Just about everything else I do with my left hand, or I can do with both. Naturally one of them doesn't feel better than the other, it's all about how I was told to do it.


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07 Jul 2011, 9:25 pm

By seeing if you can write with both hands.


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24 Aug 2011, 6:23 am

I'm write with my right hand and play guitar with right-handed guitars.

I can throw a softball/football with either arm, though I've never been very good at any sports (clumsy). I guess I throw a little better with the right.

Where it gets weird is that I kick with my left leg.

Right handed, left footed.

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24 Aug 2011, 7:13 am

I am very ambidextrous and one of my earliest memories was trying to use my left hand for stuff, and being forced to use my right by my mother. I think being trained in the other hand made me ambidextrous. Try switching hands for a month. Do everything you'd normally do for that time, and what will likely happen is that you'll find that your skills will increase. But give yourself enough time to master your new hand. And it might help to take up yo-yoing. It helped me a lot.


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24 Aug 2011, 10:00 am

I am ambidextrous, and I have been tested to be that way. The test was simple, and you can reproduce it yourself.

Take a mechanical counting machine (you click it with your thumb, and each click increments the number displayed). Set a timer to 3 minutes, and hold the machine in one of your hands and click as fast as you can for the 3 minutes. Write down the number and reset the count. Do the same with the other hand. If the numbers are the same or very close to each other, then you are ambidextrous. If either is much bigger a number, then that is your dominant hand.

(I don't really know how much the difference should be, but I have a faint memory that about 5 % difference would still mean ambidextrous).

Any connection between your reality and mine is purely coincidental.

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24 Aug 2011, 3:21 pm

I am not
you are


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24 Aug 2011, 9:05 pm

I am either ambidextrous, cross- dominant, or have dyspraxia. I'm really not sure which.... :?

An Asperger's man who has Autism Spectrum Disorder level 1- mild, with a sprinkling of Synesthesia. :-)