Willard wrote:
Daewoodrow wrote:
i'd say Autistics are already willing to socialise, just somewhat incapable of doing so comfortably.
From watching posts across WP, I'd have to disagree with that statement. I see a lot of Aspies here (virtually all teens and twenty-somethings) pining for romance, but other than that, a lot of us seem pretty content not socializing. Personally, I don't care what sort of pharmaceutical bandage they come up with, I'd rather be alone any day of the week than spend time in endless interaction with real live people.
I anticipated that somebody would say this, and i'd say it's a fair criticism. But on the occasions when I genuinely don't want to talk to anybody, I feel that way because I feel it would be a waste of time, and that they'd never understand me anyway. That, or because I feel that they would only bore me with mundane and unintelligent conversation. An Oxytocin deficit wouldn't make me think that, an Oxytocin deficit would just make me feel completely indifferent to human company, without a logical reason.
I still feel lonely when I have nobody to talk to, and lonliness is a product of healthy Oxytocin levels. So I can't speak for other Autistics, but I think my Oxytocin levels are just fine.
Umquam sentio nex?