am meaning all autisms,developmental,physical etc disabilities in general here,rather than only as,but the area am live in is called urmston-a part of manchester.
it is very disability friendly [apart from when it affects senses],as for many years, it has been home to a big institution and the only respite unit in manchester [am used to live in the secure unit there till it was all closed down],and many residential homes run by different organisations like the council or scope,for people with all sorts of disabilities.
the police here are very disability friendly [as in all disabilities],so are the locals,the neighbours actually look out for am,the school children are less abusive towards difference here,whether are disabled [in any form] or not,its all 'normal' here.
this is the sort of place am would say to live in if--do not have major sensory problems with noise.
the main problem with it is it's a busy place,it's full of bars/pubs/clubs,its the main part used for ambulances as they have a station based here so there are often sirens going,theres the noise of the train stations and those lights that beep,there are loads of schools and not only that they knocked down the whole precinct and council buildings and are currently building a new precinct,studio flats and a sainsburys on its own,and this is all going on till late next year am think.
still,if are not affected by any of that stuff,and want a decent understanding place to live,try urmston.
>severely autistic.
>>the residential autist;
blogging from the view of an ex institutionalised autism/ID activist now in community care.
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