Sora wrote:
Does this have a specific name? I'm just amazed that there is a limit on how much a person should stay in REM sleep. When I sleep, I dream almost all the time.
I wasn't given a specific name for it (outside of the general "abnormal sleep architecture"), just a description of the polysomnography results. I was supposed to go back for a follow-up study, but I had a crazy schedule at the time, and so never got around to it. I would probably have been given more information if I had.
The problem with not getting enough slow-wave sleep (stages 3 and 4) is that those are the stages when the body is really resting and recuperating. People who don't get enough slow-wave sleep aren't as rested, and can get sleep-attacks during the day, which are intensely unpleasant. I only get these when I am already somewhat sleep deprived, but mine are characterized by an intense feeling of needing to sleep (followed by dropping off briefly), plus double-vision. Yeah, they stink.
Just a note though, that although you may feel like you are dreaming the whole night, you won't remember the time you didn't spend dreaming, so without a sleep study, you don't actually now how much time you spent in REM sleep. Plus, you can dream a surprisingly long and complex dream in a short amount of time, as I've found when I've gone back to sleep (for five minutes) in between my first and second alarms.