DWill wrote:
I don't pity them at all. NT's are doing just fine in the world. We aren't superior or inferior, just different.
Exactly what I was wanting to post.
The amount of neurotypical bashing that I see on this forum bothers me to no end. We want to be treated with respect and all, but then so many of us turn right around and talk about how we're fine and neurotypicals are the ones with a problem. Asperger's Syndrome is a disorder; a slight mis-wiring of the brain if you will. I sometimes joke that my brain was assembled on a Friday at the brain factory.
AS is certainly not a superior trait.
However, we should still accept and be proud of who we are, just so it doesn't drive us to think we're better than everyone else. That would hardly be different from how racism works.
I do feel fortunate to live in a time when the "normal" people I know are willing to accommodate my differences. So I thank the majority of NTs, despite not knowing quite how they work, for allowing me to share life with them.
bheid wrote:
I only pity the fact that they actually need friends to feel happy, and they feel lonely so easily.
The same holds true for a lot of people with AS. I was happy being isolated for about three years after high school, but now my desire for friends and company is higher than ever. I would bet there are a lot of NTs that prefer to be by themselves, too. People can't really be divided into broad, fixed categories.