This might sound odd, but I think I'm very slowly growing out of my AS.
Just listen to me on this one, mmkay?
1) I never stimm
2)I don't (usually)have meltdowns
3)I have really started to act mature, and I don't know why.
4)I never act hyper anymore, really!
5)I can interact with people in a friendly manner, initiate conversations, and keep them 2 way!
Now mind you when I was little, you could say nothing on this list described me.
Fast foward 10 years, and I am so completley different that it's not even funny.
I don't know what's happening, but I don't feel like an Aspie anymore
Is anyone else experiencing this?
Please respond to this

Yes, I know what you mean. I have times like you describe and wonder if I'm an Aspie at all. Then I do quite AS things socially and it reminds me that yes, I really am. I've been having the feeling lately that I don't really care about having AS - the novelty of finding out all about it is starting to wear off a bit now (it's been a couple of years since I discovered Aspergers) I'm not sure it really matters any more. Maybe that's a positive thing.